Royal-Exclusiv / Vertex Cone Skimmer Club

The adjustable nozzles were put on these skimmers after the first batch or two of them arrived. Either nozzle is fine, but if you're using the non-adjustable (the gray fitting) then make sure you are using the red pipe insert in it, do not use the smaller diameter gray pipe insert that was also available for this.
Thanks, Jeremy. After posting my question, I recalled reading something about this in a thread by someone who is testing the vertex alpha as well (couldn't remember the person or the thread article though).
Issue with Alpha 200

Issue with Alpha 200

Hi Jeremy,
I've had my Alpha 200 for some time now. I was probably one of the first to get one when they were just introduced a few years back. The issue I'm having is that bubble production is down and inconsistent. I recently cleaned the pump as I normally would and when put back together has not performed. All parameters are the same from amount the wedge pipe is closed to the number of turns out on the nozzle to height of water in skimmer chamber.

I took a look at the link you recently provided on how to clean the pump. I noticed that the impeller assembly in the link is slightly different from mine. The impeller assembly in the link shows what looks to be a ceramic shaft that detaches from the end bushing (bushing and o-ring are left in the pump body). My impeller assembly uses a full steel shaft with the end bushing firmly attached to the end of the impeller shaft. New design I guess. The problem I am noticing and it may be why my skimmer is not performing is that the small o-ring at the base of the impeller shaft is not staying pushed against the bushing. As the impeller shaft is pushed into the motor block the o-ring is being pushed forward into the base of the impeller magnet. I think this is not allowing the impeller shaft to seat properly in the motor block and is causing an issue with the impeller and thus bubble production.

I'm hoping there is a way to find a solution to this problem. Right now I am skimmerless. If need be I can certainly call you tomorrow to discuss what your thoughts might be. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Is there any way to remove the rear bearing bushing and o-ring from the end of the metal impeller shaft to insert into the motor block prior to the installation of the impeller shaft? This would allow me to seat the bearing bushing and o-ring prior to installing the impeller like shown in the link. I don't want to try to remove it for fear of damaging it.

Thanks in advance.
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Got it! I was carefully able to remove the rear bearing bushing and o-ring. From here I was able to fully seat it into the block and reinstall the impeller assembly. I gave the entire skimmer a little vinegar bath while working on the pump. Now it's pumping the way it should except for a lot of microbubbles. I'm thinking being it was cleaned it might need a short break in time again. Otherwise it seems to be running like before......fingers crossed.

As far as you know when the impeller assembly is pulled is the bushing supposed to come out or was mine just calcified on? In the cleaning link it seems as if the bearing bushing should stay in the pump body whether with the old steel impeller shaft or the newer ceramic shaft? Is this correct? My new Laguna 1500 pump has the ceramic shaft and the bearing stays in the pump when the impeller assembly is pulled.

Are new impellers available? Can the needle wheel be removed from the impeller assembly?

One last Premium Aquatics selling these skimmers anymore? I didn't see them on your site.

I know.....a lot of questions.
Appreciate any feedback you can give.
king of skimmers

king of skimmers

King of skimmers? A bubble magus 100 just ran next to my 200 for 4 days straight with no adjustment to either. The bubble magus has 1 inch of fairly light skimmate. The vertex 200? absolutely nothing. Maybe a couple drops but thats it. Glad all of your 200's are working. Must just be my luck. I figured the neck would be full of gunk at least but it has surpringly little on it. Glad when tuesday comes so I can ship it back.

"king" or "best" are very loose terms when someone "claims" to have or presumes it to be the best !
Point is , the "best" skimmers on the market are the ones that remove toc's at an very efficient rate on a per hourly basis ...these are the beckett/downdraft design's.So technically these are the best skimmers.
However, other critaria comes into play when choosing a skimmer and the one that meets what you want will be the best for your patrticular budget ,space and convenience .
For those needing a maintenance guide on pump cleaning:

Note that the model numbers do not match up, but it's essentially the exact same pump.

I have the Vertex 250 and have been running it for a few years and very happy with it. I had a tank failure in March and broke down and cleaned everything... I am starting everything up again and I am having issues with the Red Dragon pump. It seems to be triggering a failure, it starts up and stops (repeat a few time) and then completely shuts down. The pump and shaft are very clean and I do not think there is any build up or damage on either one. I assume any service would be in Germany, is that right? Do you sell the pump for a replacement?

I have talked to you previously about replacing the skimmer due to a cracked rim on the collecting cup collar (my fault), it may be time. I notice you do not have these skimmers on your website, do you still sell them? What is the comparable skimmer? The BK 250?
What pump does the 250 use? I have a 200 that uses a Red Dragon 1500. From what I've learned a Laguna Max Flo 1500 (if you can find one....not being made anymore) or a new Laguna Max Flo 1350 (new model) are the same exact motor block. As long as your impeller shaft assembly is in good working order this pump is an exact replacement for about $150. I have a Laguna 1500 for a return pump and can tell you it is an exact replacement.
@ljr, I think we've been communicating via email already?

@rc1626, the pumps are identical between the 170, 200, 250, and 300. The only differences between the 200, 250, and 300 are the size of the venturi's, with the 200 being slightly smaller, and the 250 and 300 being the same. The 170 uses a smaller impeller and venturi.
Hi Jeremy,
I need your help for my Vertex alpha-250. My red dragon pump might be dead. I replaced the impeller a couple of months ago. Now it did not work at all. I soaked with vineger for a couple of days to make sure there are no calcium on it. I made sure all parts are correctly assemble. I assume the main body of the pump is broken.
What should I do?
Pull the front cover off the pump while you have it out of the sump and plug it in to see if the impeller is chugging or doing anything at all. Do you get any vibration or anything out of it?
I did everything you mentioned. The impeller is not chugging, but it does not move at all. I do not get any vibration.
Hello everyone,

After tweaking and tuning around my Vertex Alpha 170, it's been pulling waste pretty well. However, after only a few days, there seem to be deposit (waste build-up) at the end of the collection cup. Once this happened, the skimmer doesn't seem to pull more waste.

Then I did a little more research, and I found the Vertex Vectra Engine Universal Cleaner Unit. This seems to clean up the collection cup.

Has anyone used this? I wonder if it's worth it.

I did everything you mentioned. The impeller is not chugging, but it does not move at all. I do not get any vibration.

It sounds like a bad motorblock. I do not have any Alpha blocks in stock, but I do have some BK Mini blocks, which are the exact same thing. The only differnce is the white pump plate they are glued onto. You would need to remove the block from the Mini plate it comes with and then just glue it onto your existing white plate that you have, which is a pretty easy process to do. Price on them is $199.
Jeremy, I do not want to buy the block because it is not sure the block is problem and it is expensive.
If I send you my pump, can you diagnose the problem and replace the block?
Go ahead and send it to me at the following:

Premium Aquatics
Attn: Jeremy
6050 E. Hanna Ave. #4
Indianapolis, IN 46203

Please include a note with what the pump is doing (in this case nothing), and have your return shipping information and contact information on there as well.
I just got back from being on vacation all week and am catching up now. You should be seeing an email response by the end of the day today.
Do you guys think an Alpha 250 would be too big for me.. I'm planning a new 230 Gallon. Probably 5 tangs bunch of smaller fish.

It definitely would not be too big. I had a 250 on a 220 with an additional 120 sump and it worked like a champ. Although, I think the are out of stock.
In my personal opinion I would not recommend it. For that size system I would suggest an Alpha 200, or another strong 8" body skimmer. That's just my opinion of course, and not to say that the 250 would not work on that size system, because many hobbyists out there are doing just fine with it. :)