Royal Gramma Harem

Hey all:

I have a thread in Corallimorpharians, 65g ricordea & discosoma tank setup regarding a proposed 65g setup which I want to feature a harem of 3 royal gramma. I have crossed several references that state this is possible and two come to mind:
1) Natural Aquariums by J. Tullock
2) Reef Keeping Magazine Article by H. Shultz, Grammas, quoted below)

Gramma loreto, a.k.a. the Royal Gramma or Fairy Basslet, is one of the more common fish in the hobby. Outdated references will list this fish as G. hemichrysos. It is found throughout the Caribbean at depths of 3 - 120 feet, though it is most common below 60 feet. At all times, it will keep its bottom side towards a solid structure. Therefore, whenever this fish is hovering below the roof of a cave, it will be upside down (Spiekerman 1973).

The Royal Gramma can reach three inches in length and can be kept singly in a 20 gallon or larger aquarium. Selection of suitable tank mates is tricky in tanks as small as 20 gallons. Consider making the Gramma the largest inhabitant, and add it last. For a community aquarium, a 55 gallon tank or larger would be a better choice. If Gramma loreto is the lone species in a larger tank, a harem can be maintained. Gramma loreto has been found in concentrations as high as 116 individuals on a single coral head measuring 20 feet in diameter (Coral Realm). To attempt this in the home aquarium, try to ensure you obtain one male while the remaining animals are female. Males will fight for territory. If your tank is not large enough for the given number of males added, you will have problems.

One of the responders indicated past experience that the two Royal Grammas would get into some serious clashes and the harem did not work.

Now it has been my understanding that as long as one of the Gramma was large relative to the others and introduced simultaneously (or first) that the harem would form as the smaller grammas would not challenge for the dominant male role. I can see where two or more similarly large grammas would fight it out, or if a large gramma was establshed, then another gramma previously established male was then added, you would have some pretty serious fighting. I believe Tullock and Shultz in their writing but I am concernted that another reefer has experienced different.

What is the general experience out there with anyone having a harem of Royal Gramma. What tank setups worked, which ones did not?

Chris Sanchez
Did the grammas hang together like they do on the ref? I was snorkeling in the Caribbean a couple of years ago and found about 15 of them all hanging out together under the same ledge....very cool!
Thanks pwhitby, what was your setup like and how did you introduce. I am wondering if I will get similar behavior in a 65. My plan is to have plenty of plated type rock for ledges with caves.

What was their behavior like, was it like kentrob11 saw or were they more oblivious to each other.

How did you introduce them, size them, sex them...

I want to try a harem of Royal Grammas but I'm a bit scared. Is there a set method? Can I just add 3 Grammas at the same time or should it be done a different way?
Avi, it is...except how do you tell the difference between the male and the female they are housed in separate tanks, which is typical for a lfs. The best way is to get one 'large' and however many small ones you want, but you are still not guaranteed.

I plan on trying.
check out Scott Michael' s

Hawkfish, Dottybacks, and Basslets book for some info on this

One large (twice as big if possible) and a group of similarly sized smaller ones
The issue I have is getting them all at the same time. They are all usually about the same size and no more tha 5 or 6 at a time at my LFS.