Rubberband zoas to rock


New member
Used a hair tie to stick zoa frag on a rock when is it safe to remove it without zoas falling off rock? And can anyone ID these for me? ImageUploadedByTapatalk1361558939.475968.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1361558953.099528.jpg
Always jus super glue them down... Some use epoxy...

And zoos are the same as zoas (zoanthids)... It's jus a slang term folks use for them...
Used a hair tie to stick zoa frag on a rock when is it safe to remove it without zoas falling off rock? And can anyone ID these for me?View attachment 221197View attachment 221198

Hello, all are good suggestions but in your case I would first remove the hair tie. Anything that goes in your tank must be inert ( reef/fish safe with no leeching fabric, chemicals etc). If a fish or an invert picks at the hair tie, and they will, they can possibly comsume what they remove and most likely they can't digest it and they will die. Most might just spit it back out. Also, any fabric like materials can clog up any small air lines etc. I have no idea also how much the salt water would began to break down the material on the hair tie also.

Keep in mind if you glue the plug as is to a rock, depending upon its shape, once those polyps began to cover the plug, you're gonna have a big bump on that rock covered in polyps. If that's ok with you, then you should do that. A more natural appeal would be to remove the frag from the plug and attach it to a small, med, lg rock of your choice using any one of the methods listed above.

Good luck.

Mucho Reef
I always superglue gel them. Then dip the frag in saltwater, let it set for a minute, then apply more glue to the outside in any areas that don't have a polyp visible. They seem to spread right over the glue attaching to it.
I super glue gel the frag, have a cup of saltwater that i place the frag in to have the glue settle then once bonded I place the frag in the tank away from direct flow to allow to further cure.