Running Ozone with BB


New member
Is there anyone out there running BB with Ozone? Many of the people on here who are "raving" about it seem to be running a DSB or some substate. I was wondering if BB users don't have the same results that everyone else has?

Thanks for any help.

:D love my ozone

clkwork:Beautiful reef!! When you switched over to ozone, by your response, I;m assuming you noticed a drastic difference? Increase in skimmer performance like everyone else?


I noticed a difference in waters clarity . Hard to tell water is even there :lol: I noticed my skimmer production picked up and got really foul.

Other observations were that too much ozone will hinder skimmer prduction.

But all in all it has been a very good experience thse last 9+ months using it .
What components did you go with? Controller,Ozonizer,Air Pump,etc??

Thanks for all the info.

I keep my ozone inbetween 380-410mv

I am currently using an old Sander 50mghr unit , 500g airdrier and a luft adjustable airpump to feed the o3 unit.
Other observations were that too much ozone will hinder skimmer prduction.

Hey Chris........I remember you saying that your ozone runs pretty much 24/7 so are you running the unit at less than 50mg to achieve the best performance from your skimmer?
yup 24/7 @ 12mghr now orp 388.

What I mean by too much o3 is the amount of air I push through my 03 unit.

that effects how much o3 my skimmer gets. If the air is cranked up on my airpump my skimmer performace lacks . I attribute that to too much o3 saturated air making it into the skimmer. If I use less. Basilly enuff to get it there into the skimmer intake tube then it sucks more fresh air than 03 air vs the other way it would be more o3 air than fresh .
I upped it allitle since my new tubing has a slight crease in it and I have been too sick and lazy to change the hose out yet.
Ozone that comes in direct contact with plankton will kill it but it breaks down very quickly in skimmers or tank water for that matter. If worried about ozone carry over use carbon on effluent of whatever you're adding the ozone to. JMO.