Sa doser and alk?


New member
Ok i set up my 4 pump sa doser about a week ago, and im loving it so far, the only issue that i see that is concerning me is the alk dosing, im using the black tubing but when i look at the end of the tubing that is going into my sump, it looks very clogged already, so i was squeezing the tubing and alot of alk starting coming out, it looks like it was barely making it to the sump before it clogs the tubing, does anyone else have this issue? Now the alk im using is brs and its mixed in my 1gallon jug crystal clear, so im not sure why its clogging up and looking like chalk in the tube, any info? Or help would be much appreciated, thank you in advance.
I use silicon tubing never blocks, seems like you could also be sucking up undesolved salt from the bottom of the chamber
If you mean chamber where i store the alk for dosing there is no sedement at the bottom its crystal clear, i do however have the tube that goes into my sump submerged, not sure if that is a problem or not. the tubing im using is also silicon tubing, but in black, i was told the clear tubing was not good and the blue was better but black was the best.
The tubing must always be above the water line, my guess is you are getting a bit of syphon and tank goo build up in the pipe
When you dose concentrated Alk (even in solution) if the tube is below the water line it can cause precipitate to form in the wet part of the tube which can creep up the line over time (and not much time either!)

We have this happen with our display tank here if we dont keep the tubes above the water line. All it takes is better tube placement and it keeps the lines nice and clear for much longer.

You will find that over time lines should be cleaned and/or replaced periodically to keep residue from collecting on the tubing walls.