Sad -


I've read about how Sears treated the guy who invented the socket wrench - So sadly this does not surprize me---

who ever had the genius idea of selling live animals in bags should be .....

cant get over that one!
It reminds me of when the guys from Tanked put a bunch of sharks in that idiot Tracey Morgan's tank. Who's taking care of them? How many are still alive? I'd really like to know.

I have no use for people who pay someone to throw a bunch of fish into their tanks.
stuff like that has been around for years sadly. i didnt click the link but they those awful keychains with turtles and fish and stuff. pretty terrible
Those keychains are terrifying.

As for the Tanked comment, I'm fairly sure the man is rich enough that he has his own maintenance guy come in and take care of all his tanks.
It reminds me of when the guys from Tanked put a bunch of sharks in that idiot Tracey Morgan's tank. Who's taking care of them? How many are still alive? I'd really like to know.

I have no use for people who pay someone to throw a bunch of fish into their tanks.

Tracy Morgan is actually an animal activist and I can only assume is taking care of his new additions considering all of his other tanks are still thriving.
Not nice to pick on someone just because they play a moron on tv...
I want to buy all of those keychains and release all the creatures inside. I dont understand who would want such a thing in the first place. They must realize that the animal will not live long and eventually they will have a dead whatever hanging from their keys...
I want to buy all of those keychains and release all the creatures inside.
I agree with the sentiment. Just remember, as long as someone is buying, for any reason, they'll keep doing it.:sad1: When the anti-porn nuts were burning porn mags at the gas stations around here, the new reporters asked the publishers for comment. They said they didn't care what people did with them after they bought them.

What would be better is to find the people responsible for this and seal them in a plastic bag with a sandwich, a bottle of water and 3 days of oxygen and see how they like it.
Exactly! So the poor creatures are being held captive with no air, no food and swimming in their own excrimate. So they are slowing being starved poisoned and suffocated to death. Horrible.
Tracy Morgan is actually an animal activist and I can only assume is taking care of his new additions considering all of his other tanks are still thriving.
Not nice to pick on someone just because they play a moron on tv...

I know the company taking care of them, they are indeed thriving under their care.
In English:
In China's capital, there is a new trend: salamanders, small fish and even turtles are sold in tiny plastic bags. The package is sealed and contains oxygen and a usually brightly colored broth.

The trapped animals can in this state according to the seller allegedly survive several weeks before they die. Animal rights organizations, however, contradict this information. The price for this cruelty is the equivalent of slightly more than one euro. Some of Beijing's population believe that they bring these living Keychains luck.
Thus, the Austrian daily Der Standard reported in its online edition.
It reminds me of when the guys from Tanked put a bunch of sharks in that idiot Tracey Morgan's tank. Who's taking care of them? How many are still alive? I'd really like to know.

I have no use for people who pay someone to throw a bunch of fish into their tanks.

agreed. some of the builds they do are for short term. the tanks aren't even cycled when they put the fish in. to bad.
While I was out buying a camera to photograph my tank, the guy at Best Buy asked me "what are you using it for" I responded that I was taking photos of my aquarium he cut me off saying "have you seen that show Tanked?" I couldn't help but tell the guy I don't watch that show because it would be supporting the torture of saltwater fish. He looked at me and said "Why?"...I informed him that tanks need to be cycled and fish acclimated and owners informed BEFORE they purchase a fish/coral/invert. Sad how people just want something but never want to take the time to see how to care for it!
I saw this article in an Austrian newspaper:
about how living animals are sealed in bags and sold as lucky charm keychains in China... Abominable.

That makes me sick and I find it disturbing. I'd like to grab a couple of those $@*%&#%#*, seal them up in a plastic bag and see what happens. :furious:

How sickening. I feel bad for those poor, defenseless animals. :sad2:

Another thing that bothers me, while we are on this subject, is the treatment and sale of Bettas. I bought one about a year ago from the LFS before I knew better. They were happy to sell me a bowl and some food telling me he would be just fine in there. Being the type of person I was, I did some research when I got home and found out that is not an acceptable environment for them in which to live. I went out and bought a 12g Fluval edge, cycled it, put a bunch of real plants in there and some rock work. It is now home to my beloved Betta Frank. (I really do love that little guy!) :D

A few weeks ago, I was in the LFS buying some new plants for Frank's tank and the employee informed me that Bettas didn't like to swim when I commented that I hated seeing 75 Bettas confined to a cup slightly larger than a Dixie cup. I quickly informed him that he was 100% wrong and that all Frank does is swim. Up, down, left right all day long. I don't even like going in the plant room because that's where they keep all the poor little Bettas in their cups. I want to buy them all and take them home. /rant
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Another thing that bothers me, while we are on this subject, is the treatment and sale of Bettas. I bought one about a year ago from the LFS before I knew better. They were happy to sell me a bowl and some food telling me he would be just fine in there. Being the type of person I was, I did some research when I got home and found out that is not an acceptable environment for them in which to live. I went out and bought a 12g Fluval edge, cycled it, put a bunch of real plants in there and some rock work. It is now home to my beloved Betta Frank. (I really do love that little guy!) :D

A few weeks ago, I was in the LFS buying some new plants for Frank's tank and the employee informed me that Bettas didn't like to swim when I commented that I hated seeing 75 Bettas confined to a cup slightly larger than a Dixie cup. I quickly informed him that he was 100% wrong and that all Frank does is swim. Up, down, left right all day long. I don't even like going in the plant room because that's where they keep all the poor little Bettas in their cups. I want to buy them all and take them home. /rant
I was almost kicked out of a Petsmart about a year ago because I was critical of their practice of only changing the water in their Betta cups about once a week.

I'm sorry but when a fish is swimming in water that is almost so dark you can barely see the fish, then it's TIME TO CHANGE THE DA** WATER!! I was even told that they realized that some of the fish would die but that was considered "acceptable loss".

I asked the manager didn't it make more sense to change the water more often(keeping the fish alive longer) so that it could possibly be sold(making a profit for the store instead of a loss when it dies). He didn't like my question/logic and told me that he was following corporate policy concerning the fish.

So instead of taking some lackey making minimum wage, have them spend about an hour swapping all of the water out so the fish would live, he'd rather let them die(and lose potential profit).

Oh, Spyder, my sister has a male Betta in her 29G with a bunch of Neon Tetras and he is doing great. been that way for over a year and he swims everywhere.