Sad -

I would love for payback to happen.
Put that person in a slightly-larger-than-his-height bag, fill it partially with water and air, and seal it off.
Who the heck comes up with these stupid ideas anyway?
Derailed on the first reply. Nice. :lmao:

The one issue I find with the original article is that it seems like it is all second-hand information with little support. It is PETA telling a reporter what someone else supposedly told them about something that supposedly happened.
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What I'm about to say is concerning the betta issue. So yes, any fish would like a big area to swim and what not. In nature, bettas are actually found in small pools, or even puddles of water. They do this during spawning, after the rains. They live in these tiny puddles the rest of their natural lives, and as the pet store employee informed, they don't swim much. Since this is how they are commonly collected in nature, this is how they are kept. It is cruel to some extent, but they evolved to live that way. Also, in nature they don't live that long anyway. I love bettas, and had one for a while. I kept him in a nice big tank with real plants and room to swim. One of the saddest times when the little guy died.
What I'm about to say is concerning the betta issue. So yes, any fish would like a big area to swim and what not. In nature, bettas are actually found in small pools, or even puddles of water. They do this during spawning, after the rains. They live in these tiny puddles the rest of their natural lives, and as the pet store employee informed, they don't swim much. Since this is how they are commonly collected in nature, this is how they are kept. It is cruel to some extent, but they evolved to live that way. Also, in nature they don't live that long anyway. I love bettas, and had one for a while. I kept him in a nice big tank with real plants and room to swim. One of the saddest times when the little guy died.

Unfortunately, most of that is myth or inaccurate.
I am so sorry I was wrong. I should have looked it up more before posting. In my defense, it wasn't entirely wrong, just a lot wrong. Bettas are subjected to low water and oxygen when the rice paddies dry out, and they do breed during monsoon. It's just that they don't live their entire lives in a pool, only a few days. And five years is a short life, I think. But you are right, I should have done my research before putting a subjective opinion.