safety connector?


New member
Hi. I have a pair of Vortecs now only because they have the optional power supply. I am tired of them and really want to go back to tunze's but I need a way to have them powered in a power outage.

I was thinking of using your safety connector connected up to a 12volt deep cell gel battery on a battery conditioner. But as i was reading the product description it says it wont work with the new generation of pumps, i.e. 6105, 6205, 6305. How do I go about this?

Also, with a single deep cell gel battery and 2 6205's how long will the pumps typically run?
The safety connector works with the new Stream 2 pumps, it works with 6101, 6201, 6301, 5001, 6212 with 6261 pump, 6206, 6105, 6205, 6305, 5005 and 6215. A 6201 at 12V draws about 1.7 Amps, divide the amp hour rating of the battery by 1.7 A to get an estimate of the number of hours the pump will run.
OK Great.

So do I need a safety connector for each pump?

I cant find "amp hour rating" on the description. Is that the reserve capacity or cranking amps?
I know a typical large gel cell car battery will be in the 80-90Ahr range, I have seen large Marine Gel Cells in the 100-120Ahr range at Sears. I think regardless you are looking at the pump running longer than the tank will survive for due to temp and other issues if the power is out for so long, usually flow alone will only be sufficient for 12-24hrs.

You would need one safety connector per pump but they can share a battery.