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My husband was a master diver years ago. Then he has a big ole Grand Mal seizure stripping him of many of the things he liked to do. He was always told not to dive and we never questioned this... until now. There's always been 2 issues, a seizure while he's diving causing him to suck water. And then we also heard that the change in pressure changes the amount of medication in his system.... if you will. I don't even know if this is true and someone said the other day it won't affect the medication because it is in a aqeuous solution.... ? I never looked into this further because I couldn't get around the mouthpiece anyways.

Now I see these full face masks, that if he seized underwater, breathing wouldn't be an issue.

I would never take himn down very far because I would want quick access to the surface. Wouldn't want to be hanging at a pit stop while he's seizing, waiting to go up.

The risk of him seizing is low, unless there is some truth to the pressure/med thing. Lord knows he drives the 405, with me white knuckling the dashboard.

Does anyone have any comments?
I would consult a doc familiar with diving medicine. You can find one through DAN.
I would consult a doc familiar with diving medicine. You can find one through DAN.

I second this recommendation totally. There is probably no better source of info to answer your questions concerning your subject.:thumbsup:
First off, I want to say that I think its great that you look out for your husband. Too many people these days get a divorce at the first sign of trouble (or inconvenience) and I like to encourage those people with "the right stuff" to continue to work through the rough spots (nothing against anyone who is divorced, so don't hate).

I think a full face mask is the way to go. Maybe even one with UW communication/radio.

I agree with the two comments above, a DAN doctor should be consulted about the medication issue. How often is the medicine taken?
That's sweet of you to say that. He's been in the hobby 51 years.... I wouldn't be able to give him up because he's like my walking talking reference book. His Dad was in the hobby too and OMG the antique tanks he has. But I digress. :-)

I will indeed consult the specialist. I have no idea why that never dawned on me.

He takes 2 different meds, 4 times a day for a total of 10 pills daily.... it's a meal in itself. And if he catches me on here talking about it he's gonna kick my booty :-)

But wouldn't that be an awesome present..... to have him unwrap a face mask and two tickets to a great dive spot!
I know that each med regiment is different, but in 1998 I had a multi organ transplant and (at age 32), my parents and girlfriend always said I couldn't dive any more. Turns out that my surgeon is a diver and knows a lot about it, he told me to dive everyday I felt good enough to excercise. 10 years later, I am on about 21 pills a day with imunosupressents and such, and most of my dives or over 100 ft because that is where the fish I like live. I know that every drug is different, but with the drugs I take there are no pressure issues. I agree with the above posts, find out from a dr familiar with diving and ask what the potential risks are.
Yeah, but it is a low calorie meal. I dove for years with lots of different meds but consulting DAN is the way to go.