Salt Babies Part 3


Gave it a rest especially after Michael. But I'm back at it now and can't wait til summer in 3 weeks so I'll have a little more time to devote to Salt Babies.

I currently have some seahorse babies that are a little over a month or so.
I have been collecting Ruby Red eggs but not quite there with the smallest copepods yet.

But tonight...... I got Bella Goby Babies:bounce1:

Working on figuring out how many I can keep and have a shot at raising. I mean there were thousands upon thousands. My pods aren't where they need to be and I think they have a relatively short starvation period. They are only hatched with a small oil globule reserve not a huge yolk sack like the rubies.

They are larger around 2 mm so I'm trying to figure out what size foods I can try.

My Banggai has been holding as well but if I don't fish him out of the display he doesn't hold til the end. But if I"m gonna do this might as well make it a down right mess right?

If anyone has a size idea for food I'd love to hear it.


Well I have I don't know 7 ruby reds at day 7 after spawn which is 6 dph. Some are beginning to color some. They start clear then get black dots. Now they have some white and a slight orange tinge.

I have maybe 30 Bellas at 3 days post hatch. I am not too hopeful for this batch since the foods are still not quite there.

I have set up some copepod cultures but it will take a while for everything to be where it needs to be.
I really like them so far. They sift the sand and keep it clean.

Unlike the pearly head they don't swim to the top to sift and leave sand all over. I had planned for them so the very bottom zone of my tank is a no coral section. But I think I can easily have coral in the top 2/3's of my tank and they won't put sand on them. In fact most the time they clean the sand they will put their bellies on the sand while sifting making very little mess.

Now they do move the sand around which is what I wanted to help with the sand bed health. They do a great job of doing the whole tank (120 gallons) and not just one little area like a typical shrimp goby. They also move it around to make their cave with the bottom rocks.

I have seahorses and they do a good job of cleaning up after a feeding. My Bellas are large but they aren't aggressive and their feeding is compatible with slow eaters.
I looked them up, but not see much about them. Thank you for your description of their behaviors. I have been to a lot of wholesalers and LFS on the west coast and have never seen any. If your able to raise them successfully I would be interested in buying a pair.
Ok first I should correct a mistake. Hatch is about 36 hours after spawn so I guess day 2 would be 1 dph? or would day 3 be 1 dph?

Anyways the above batch didn't make it I think because I put them in with 100k nauplli which matured and got to big for them to eat. I didn't have anymore nauplli. So I put in more that were spawned 5/10 there are still at least 3 in there. 5/12 would be hatch day this would be 6 dph.

I don't expect them to make it either because Apex don't start reproducing until around 2 weeks. When I can't see any larva in there I'll add more that are 4 days post spawn. I think getting near next week we should start to see gains on the 6 dph. Hope fully. If not I'll take that to mean 70 microns is too big.
Ok good thing this is my thread because I"m going in circles....

I have found at least 1 bella baby in my plankton soup trial container. I think I saw maybe 2 more.

They were hatched 5/10 so that is 9 dph?

I'm torn. The soup has tisbe pods which I have personally watched attack dragonette larva and kill it. The bellas are a little bigger now but not sure they are big enough to avoid tisbe predidation. The soup has rots, bbs, tisbe pods, apex pods. The ammonia means I have to adjust it some.

I could also pull out the larva I see and put them in with just some rots, apex pods. I also know every time I try to change something in the early part of the process it seems to back fire and kill the larva.

So any opinions? Leave them in the soup while adjusting the water parameters or pull them out.
They have done well in the soup so far. I think I would leave them. You have way more experience then I do though.
Well I can't find bob. I think the adult tisbe got him. I am patiently waiting for my bellas to spawn again.

My apex culture should be mature on Monday so then I'll try ruby's again.
Well I think the ruby reds might need something smaller than 70 microns. I am currently trying them with apex pods whose nauplli are 70 microns.

I have some from 5/20 in there but I can only see one right now. If this one fails I'll try one more before I call it too big. Of course the pods maybe preying on the larva like the tisbe adults did.

do 5 dph right now but I'll be surprised if still have one in the morning.
Ok so the bellas spawn last night (I think). The boy is hold up in his cave so Thursday (maybe Wednesday) I should have more babies to play with. I am going to try to make sure to not have any tisbe pods and work with just apex and rotifers.
So just to make it a fun summer. I think my flame angels are also throwing eggs. They look infertile but I'll know more tomorrow or so. If they develop some then fertile. If not doesn't mean anything because I accidentally put a little alcohol in the water.

I have seen them doing swimming I thought was pre-mating but there are eggs on the top of the water before lights out and rubys spawn after lights out. Also the eggs are single which matches other angel descriptions and last but not least other than the ruby's nothing should be throwing pelagic eggs.

argghhhh. I just place an expensive order with Reed to try to get a few to make it with the plan by day 10 I'd do rots. But my rots just crashed. If I had known they were going to crash I could have put rots in my order at Reed. It's the shipping cost that kills.
so bellas came last night one day earlier than I expected. Not quite ready.
Today got set up with a few different experiments for my rubys and bellas.
I really only hae a small amount of rots so it is limiting what is going to happen.

I set up different containers with parvos, apex, rots in varying amounts and going forward will be adding varying amounts of items. I hope something will come of it. But I'll consider it a success if I get to 14 days. Way long time ago I got to 14 days with rubies. I things are alive I may consider ordering from Reed again and getting some rots from them. My apex culture maybe mature enough but I have practically zero rots and very limited parvo's.

Flames are throwing eggs but so far have been infertile.

Been so excited about the 'new' stuff forgot to mention had seahorse babies on Monday. :)

My sharknose gobies are also looking friendly. Since I just got them I figure it will take them a while to figure things out. Of course I haven't had my girl flame angel that long and reallly happy they are getting along and spawning.
2 dph several bellas still alive. I think I need to get air on them though as many are gathering in the bottom. though they are bottom dwellers I'm sure they haven't settled yet.

I have some Ruby Reds that are now at least 4 larva 7 dph and one of those is looking very large and active so that looks good.

flame eggs from last night look infertile and bacteria ridden.
3 dph and several bellas still alive. at least 1 ruby red 10 dph. flame eggs still infertile.

Today I try to build a auto nauplli collector.