Explain to me in detail how this animal would benefit from dirty water or .....nitrates high , phosphates high in comparison to what we shoot for our closed Systems that contain just about every other corals including nps ones???
food itself when added is not soluable so what in the water it's self classifys dirty...n and p alone???? lol my friend you can have a tank with little to no n and p and still feed corals to provide them with thier needs , so yes that sentence in the way you put it about dirty water is false and has no merit , feeding the way i look at it does not mean dirty water , sps guys need to feed their fish do they not so is they're water dirty?
I have about 200 types of zoanthids and about a couple thousand pieces in zoanthid only coral beds and have collected for 6yrs while doing zoanthids closer to 10 , I've tried all types of water conditions and all types of feedings, when you try new things you tell yourself wow that worked lol truth is its stability, lighting, flow and nutrients available that promote growth. Mature systems tend to have this down pat and use up all the trial and error in the beginning.
What would be the benefit exactly to a phosphate level of 0.12 be to zoanthus compared to 0.05 ......this is what I would like to know?
Feeding is benficial and all corals require n and p , this isn't new news and we know it's fact as all living things need these as well so yes there needs to be some present but step out of the test kit vial and look at the bigger picture Presence of nitrogen and phosphorous isn't hard to come by these can be manipulated or added to your liking , to become limiting on po4 is harder than you think in a system that is closed and does not get removed unless exported , no?
On my Hanna and salifert I've for years kept po4 under 0.05ppm and for the last year or so around 0.02ppm as I've yet to see any benefit to higher, nitrates have always read zero in a heavily carbon dosed system.
If anything when I slack it's apparent in the system and growth , colors and overall health of the system isn't quite to par.
So no I don't see how zoanthids would benefit from dirty water , the better saying would be zoanthids wouldn't benefit from a nutrient deprived system