Salt Mix Analysis Report

There are NO metal chelators in normal IO. :)

There's got to be something in there to prevent caking - care to elaborate what that might be?

Edit: let me ask that a different way:

There's got to be something in there that our tank doesn't need to prevent caking - care to elaborate what that might be?
Metal chelators are there to bind metals, and have nothing to do with caking. So I'm not sure what exactly you are asking. There are none in IO and last I heard there were some in RC.

There may be anticaking agents in some salt mixes, but in 2009 I was told by someone who should know that there are no anticaking agents in Instant Ocean or Reef Crystals.

here's a thread on it:

Why do there need to be anticaking agents in any given salt mix?
What I would do is look at people that are having great success. I will not use anyone's names in the Tampa area because I have not seen everyone's tanks and I don't want anyone offended if I miss their's. I say look at locals of course but check out the different websites including RC and study the tanks of the month's.

I will use a name: EMSTER! His tank is what motivated me to put up with the heartache of trying to grow Acros. This guy is a reefing machine and has been successful for years!!!!!! He uses IO and a calcium reactor. His success is proof enough for me that salt is PART of the equation. Not the be all end all.

His 2cents below is worth a million dollars! His concepts and techniques are proven, not marketing driven. Its tough on these forums to find sound advice. His advice, always given humbly, is priceless! (yea im a bit of a fan)

Thanks emmet.

Thank you. I'm passionate about salt, the longer I'm in this the more I see it is very important to all be on the same page. I'm trying to help people this is the only reason I even post. If someone asks me why he is having trouble keeping sps the first two questions I ask is lights (photo period) and salt. If he says another brand of salt at that point I really can't help him it could be his salt.

If you are into zoas, chalices and acans I say use the salt you want. They grow too slow for me, maybe its the IO. I do know a lot of people growing them with IO so probably not that.

You can find how I run things here

I really have not changed anything other than I'm no longer running Kalk or carbon and my phosphate is .01

This post and link to me sum up this entire thread. No need to read further.
Something else he forgot to mention is "system maturity" I.e. adding sps at year 2 instead of adding when your tank finishes cycling, this is really when most people fail and give up when all that's needed is to let your system mature and find its own stability.

Best thing someone can do if they don't want to wait is buy live rock from a mature system but most people start with non live rock.
I have a new 120gal in the back room that is 3 months old with Acros in them now doing well. I usually wait about 3 months before sps but they do ok before. I've always said the acros will do better and better up till about the 1 year mark then really take off(this is with sand bed tanks) They still grow fast the first year. My 180gallon is almost 5 years now and the corals have never looked better. I'm thinking I can probably get around 7 years of good growth out of this tank.
I will use a name: EMSTER! His tank is what motivated me to put up with the heartache of trying to grow Acros. This guy is a reefing machine and has been successful for years!!!!!! He uses IO and a calcium reactor. His success is proof enough for me that salt is PART of the equation. Not the be all end all.

His 2cents below is worth a million dollars! His concepts and techniques are proven, not marketing driven. Its tough on these forums to find sound advice. His advice, always given humbly, is priceless! (yea im a bit of a fan)

Thanks emmet.

This post and link to me sum up this entire thread. No need to read further.

Likefish thanks this is why I post
OP sorry if I'm hijacking this thread. I think its a good topic and I feel my questions are in line with yours.

What are peoples thoughts on the ESV salt mix? Ive been using it for over two years now and it seems good. I like it because it doesn't leave any residue and since I'm mixing smaller 10 gallon batches (right now) by weight it always comes out very consistent. Is it really worth the high price?

I'm gearing up to get my 300g SPS only system going and with the current ESV price of $110/200g box I'm a little concerned about the cost factor. Id really like to switch to IO as I know its tried and true not to mention cheap and readily available but I'm wondering how some of you deal with the lower alk and calcium levels?

Since Emster mentions he adds nothing to the salt is that because the dilution factor is so small it really doesn't make a difference? I typically do a 10-20% water change ever week. I tend to do bigger water changes with smaller tanks so I'm thinking 10% on the 300.

I keep my alk around 8-dkh
Ca ~420
Mg ~ 1350

I will be running a very large very stable calcium reactor so I'm not worried about supplementation outside the water changes.

Emmett, Randy and others do you guys think there would be any issues with IO for what I'm planning? My guess is even if the IO has alk of 6.5 at a SG of 1.026 only replacing 10% of the total volume is not going to cause any notable difference in my parameters? I strive for absolute stability and this is another reason Ive used ESV on my current tank since I can match may parameters almost exactly. I'm just wondering if Ive gotten too hung up on that?
Just my 2 cents Pedro. I have never in many years of using many salts tested any salt brand below 7.5ish dkh. IO is closer to 10 so you would get a boost in alk from it. I use lamotte or salifert kits with very close results.

I did water changes weekly for a while and then settled on once a month as where I got my best results for growth and color. I have heard you say several times that every tank is different and I believe the exact same thing. All I can do is share what I do. This once a month change was performed with IO.

I do not use a calcium reactor but instead use a doser and I mix up my own solutions using Brightwell powders. Much easier to control for me than a reactor. I also never have low ph anymore using the same type product for alk and mag.

I never care about the junk in my barrel since I never see it in my tank. And things stay alive and grow. I dont want to talk anyone out of one salt and into another its just what has worked for me in the past. Again I am testing brightwell salt in my 10 gallon right now because its possible that I switch. Its an always changing hobby and planting your feet will not get you far.
Yep, I would recomend Instant ocean, reef crystals or red sea/pro and stay away from the others mainly because it's the ones I've used. I don't plan on trying the ESV due to cost and mixing directions but if I win it in a raffle then I would use it lol.
Just my 2 cents Pedro. I have never in many years of using many salts tested any salt brand below 7.5ish dkh. IO is closer to 10 so you would get a boost in alk from it. I use lamotte or salifert kits with very close results.

I have tested several boxes of Kent that have ranged between very very low 7s and 11 dkh from one box to another using Hanna and salifert. One reason why I dont really consider Kent as an option any more.

I have personally never tested IO or used it for that matter. I have only read that IO can be low all around. If that is not true then great. Cant believe everything you read.
My guess is even if the IO has alk of 6.5 at a SG of 1.026 only replacing 10% of the total volume is not going to cause any notable difference in my parameters?

FWIW, the alk in IO is on the high end of mixes, not the low end. :)
I use regular IO and reef crystals. The regular mixes between 10-11 and the RC mixes at 13. I've always used IO The only reason for using reef crystal is my 30 gallon is very coral heavy including clams so I need the little extra and it was the same price.. But never had any bad experiences with either salt.