
I use IO w/o any problems. I also used oceanic and it seemed fine. Heard you can mix the two for great chem balance. Does anyone have any info on that?
I've been using Instant Ocean for 14 years with SPS and love it (although I am somewhat biased:) ) I have tried other brands (Oceanic, TMPR, etc.) and keep coming back to IO.
Instant ocean is low in calcium, low in alk(not much)...and very low in magnesium. I had the worst time trying to keep dKH and ppm balanced...

I use reef crystals now...but not sure if it matter now, I have reactor. Which with the reactor it might not matter about the IO anymore either.

My 2 cents
IO, but no more, low cal. I raised it with a cal. supplement. I usually don’t do this but I got salt from e-bay and did water change and all I can say is WOW this stuff is crazy good. I say a big Diff. In polyp ext. and everything looks better. I am in no way getting anything for this post just passing on good info to everyone. The store name is Get Tanked Aquariums check his stuff out, and a very nice guy
I use a 50/50 Oceanic and Instant Ocean. I use the Oceanic for the extra calcium and the IO for the low cost and stability. I also use a calcium reactor and have more than enough calcium for my sps dominated system - over 70 sps in a 180.

I tried Tropic Marin Pro Reef for 4 months and saw no amazing results for the hefty price tag. As far as I have read, these 3 salts seem to be the best rated for reef systems.
There is no set salt for SPS, everyone uses different salts, for their own reasons, I have used IO for years and have no intentions on switching, however, some people, one within this very thread, do not like IO.

It's all preference. I would say IO is the most popular based on other threads just like this and the results I have read.
Instant Ocean. I have found myself going back to this salt--not for one reason or another, just from bias and availability. Kent salt used to be pretty good, then they had serious problems. I am curious as to what the new batches look like.
I'm placing my vote for Ocean Pure, a lesser known brand that is mostly/only available on the west cost (and if I'm not mistaken widely available in Japan and certain parts of asia). IMO it has the most balanced levels of any salt and I like being able to use it right after mixing without needing to supplement anything. It's also one of if not the cheapest salt on the market.

Since it's not available for me locally I buy it online and have it shipped (which costs me more than the salt does), and while it isn't the most convienent situation I think it's worth it and will continue to use it.