Oceanic for me all the way, just don't buy the buckets, it's a shame the buckets can be hit or miss, but for me the 90g container for 20 bucks is more then worth it. I tried TM, Reef Crystals, and IO. I can say not much of difference between Io and reefcrystals, all decent. It's the high calc thats integral for sps that I love about Oceanic, buying buffer is easier to me then adding and calculating how much calc to add, without truly lowering ph, and if its kalk your using to raise calk your also raising alk n ph, it can be tough. I love Oceanic cause the calc is high and with a few teaspoons of Seachem's reef builder, I'm good to go. Sadly, I dont change my water that often, looks like tonight will be a good night to do a huge 25g water change.