Saltwater water change


New member
Lately I’ve noticed when I do a 5 gallon saltwater change I see white flakes in the bucket. Does anyone know what it could be? I use RO water.
How do you mix the water?

For example, I used to add salt to the bucket, add room temp rodi, then add a heater and powerhead to let mix and warm. Always got some precipitation this way.

Now, I put the rodi in the bucket, add heater and powerhead. Let run for a hour or two before adding the salt. No more precipitation and crystal clean water to add.
I’m not sure what you mean with precipitation, I will try to heat the water up first like you do and then add the salt. Thanks for your reply.
Precipitation is a reaction between carbonite and calcium that forms white calcium carbonate crystals that fall out of suspension to the bottom of your bucket. It will not redissolve. When you pour your salt in fast it creates a localized super high ph that causes the reaction. The answer is to slowly add the salt to your bucket of circulating water. I sprinkle each cup of salt into the moving water over about 30 seconds and I don't ever get precipitate nor do I heat the water.