sand bed


Team RC
I am looking to remove some of my sandbed in my 120 gallon tank, I have read that it might be a good idea to remove a little at a time, so I was wondering if you had a product that could be put right back in an established tank? Thanks in advance
The Tropic Eden can be put right back into your system with no problems at all. It is a dry sand, in 3 different grain sizes, and is extremely clean. There is no need for rinsing and you hardly get any clouding with it at all. The very small amount of clouding you do get is gone within 12hrs or so.
When you add any kind of sand do so in very small amounts like 1 cup per week. That way any possible phosphate locked within the sand, if any, will not harm your corals. If you do more than 1 cup per week then you can but just make sure to run gfo and watch your phosphates.

I do trust Jeremy's recommendation but it's always better to be safe than sorry.