sand - lake huron beach sand ok? - also tapwater.

A long period cycle isn't required when you've got all dead or cured rock, RO water, live sand and quick-cycle materials, and nothing is hardier than a cleanup crew. It looks like I lost a few hermits (that always happens) and 4 damsels (which may or may not have been sketchy as they were on sale, but that was probably somehow my fault.)

Some people go to rediculous lengths with cycles - my first tank I cycled for about 5 months before I put anything into it and the lesson I learned is that no system is going to evolve into a stable configuration if it starts out a mess, or is missing major predators and food sources. I'm sad that I lost the fish - i'm very relieved that 95% of what I bought is thriving. I definitely made a few mistakes, but I spent nearly 6 months researching this build out, and I spent the last 4 weeks carefully planning every detail and asking tons of questions here, elsewhere and to my old reefing contacts.

If I was using cheapo uncured rock, or if I had tried to add shipped rock directly into the tank (I kept it in isolation for 2 days until the stink was gone and the water tested OK with charcoal and foam) but if I did it again, I would only make slight alterations. Left to my original plan I wouldn't have gotten the cuke and stars (they are OK by the way although the cuke has decided to try and go through a hole in the middle of a rock) but I went on the suggestions of a guy with 10+ years pro experience on top of whatever his am experience was before that. My water is fine, nothing spiked, its been stable for 13 hours at temp now. The fish had plenty of time to adjust in their bags floating on top, more than twice what I usually give them.

Definitely sad for the couple crabs and the damsels, although I hate to say it but both are pretty disposable life to me in terms that they are put in the tank to serve a specific purpose but I don't consider them to be higher levels of life. I grew up on a farm and was exposed to everything but dairy, and i've had fish since I was 7 or 8, i've had everything from goldfish to pirahnas, i've never done tropical/cichlids but i've done a fair bit of brackish. I'm definitely not coming off the boat with no experience here. As far as i'm concerned, a CUC is absolutely essential to a cycle and I absolutely require at least 1 engineer fish per 10 gallons. I don't have access to a car in the next 10 or so days, and from past experience I think waiting 10 days to add top level predators is more than enough time for a long term diatom (or other) problem to emerge. Like I said, i'm sad, I wish I hadn't been quite as reckless as I was but its my nature to be especially after waiting a month for a truck, and things could have gone *alot* worse. I'm going now to get the parts to get the skimmer and the filter back online if I need them but I doubt any of my stats are going to change in the next 2 weeks. I also need to get a new thermometer sticker because thats what caused my initial panic this morning - I thought the tank was too cold from the sticker, but when I used a better thermometer the tank was uniformly 25.5oC from end to end, and much more uniform than any tank i've had in the past even months down the road. The wavemaker/powerhead I got is superb (I can't find the box but it was a german name) - its got a magnetic and suction base, a swivel and a good shield for inverts, kind of like a house fan in design. It was $20 over budget but i'm glad I got it because its doing a tremendous job.

I've got to do something about the 68k bulb, not sure where it came from (maybe with the tanktop) but its gotta go - right now the tank is purple on one end and blue on the other. Not good.

Very surprised how much of the marcorocks "melted" off - it might just be the moistness but the sharp edges are totally gone, its like the whole surface kind of melted off after contact with the salt. With the sheer amount of dry (dead) rock and sand that was added I am not expecting anything but clear sailing from now on. I would be kicking my own *** if I did something like buying anaemonaes or corals on day one but I feel no guilt about having an engineering staff and a cuc. Mistakes are how you learn but its never happy to lose livestock.
Me thinks you need to read the stickies. You need to cycle the tank. Flies are not attracted to reef tanks. You want to put eels with gobies. Even with cured rock during shipment your going to have dieoff that will spike levels. Just a few things i noticed in your posts that i read.Do alot more reading before sticking more animals in the tank please.
i've read and read and read. I'm glad I didn't try to do a seat of my pants low-pay build like I originally thought I might. I went all out and as far as i'm concerned I didn't rush anything. Fast cycling culture like biospira, stability and culture have a proven track record in hobbyist tanks and installations. I'm not a city kid who just decided to put up a reef tank, i've been raising and caring for animals including fish for most of my life and i've always extensively researched things. The problem with the status quo of the hobbyist community is that people tend to micromanage and i've learned that when dealing with a living natural system you have to start where you want to end out with a planned path, and start it up and let it go. I also believe (and some might think i'm heartless) that there are show fish and working fish. Everything I added was a working fish. Its alot easier to control problem microbial life when its a few small colonies than when its visible, and the only way for that to work is to have top level predators. Perhaps people skipped through my posts, but I started with water that had been sitting in the sun, so temperature wasn't much of an issue - I set the thermostat to 25 and was confused by the sticker (and my missing hydrometer which popped up in the morning) - I got up in the middle of the night and the fish were majorly aggro in the bag so I let them out, and decided that the snails and crabs could go too.

I've got all the equipment up and running now that I got o-rings and the die-off smell was not evident after my nose got recalibrated during my walk to get the o-rings - I suspect much of it was from the leakage from the faulty fluval. I've got the skimmer idling now to add oxygen (not bubbles) and at the 24 hour mark I started the filter up without charcoal.

Flies flock to light, and they are going after the floating food granules that the LFS guy strongly reccomended. I've had a nightmare august with the flies - before the lights on the aquarium went on they were an epidemic on my LCD TV i use as my media center / computer monitor that is about 2' from the tank.

I took the first negative comment pretty hard and spent most of the day retracing my actions, and the answer here is not more reading - yes, when I start into thinking about corals in the late fall or early winter, I will do reading specific to that. But i've got a pretty developed approach in the past, and I refined that to suit the awesome range of new products and diversity of tank cultured products that didn't exist locally to me when I was really into reefing in the early 2000's. But I don't waiting another 12 hours would have changed anything because the tests were almost identical as were temperature and observable conditions.

When I wrote that first email out of bed this morning I had assumed the worst a reported things as being much worse than they actually were. I probably will never know what killed those 4 damsels, but since everything else looks and acts fine i'm still chalking this up as a pretty successful build. I'm disabled and have limited funds as well as access to transportation. I think I did pretty well sifting through as much information as I did and with the budget and transportation realities I had to deal with.
Your fish were dying in the bag because of elevated ammonia levels. How long were they in bags? List all your params.
ammonia did not register at 24h or this morning, calcium is at 14 drops, I didnt do a buffer test yet, nitrate was negligible. I've had purigen running since 18 hours in, and I started with biospira and cycle. Slight funky smell in the room this morning but it seems to be the stone surface under the tank that got soaked more than the tank. If there was a serious biological die-off the skimmer is running enough that it would be bubbling over, and its not. I can get it to bubble harder in the column but I really want to let the fast cycle mix work and not get totally filtered out, thats why I removed the charcoal from the fluval. The tank water is now crystal clear as well.

Fish were in the bags about 4 hours before I added a bit of food, (granules, not flake - they shouldnt have spiked the ammonia and the fish were never in direct sun, and the room was 22oC with the air conditioner off since 9am but turned on ad midnight) I bought them a little after 5pm and added them in the middle of the night- i'm not a very good sleeper. I fed some granules this morning - I wish I had bought a flake as well to provide more material for the inverts and snails but there is a tad of live phyto and whats on the live sand for that in the short term. Lots of life is evident now that the daylights have come on. I'm heading back to bed until noon, not expecting anything to change for the next couple of weeks, but when I do a more full testkit later we'll see if anything changes. I'm extremely sensitive to acrid smells as well - my nose is not great at a litany of smells but for now i'm going with the test kit. I dont trust home test kits at all (mine is an "api reef master test kit" and then i've got a seperate ammonia and PH that i've had for a while, I am going to get the "api saltwater test kit" to get a newer set of those possibly this afternoon but its a 45 minute busride then 20 minute walk each way to get to the fish store, so we'll have to see how the weather is. I'm disabled (I broke the warranty on my brain a few years ago) and spending alot of time in the sun makes me go gaga, so I have to be a little choosy with travel.

I had fun watching the pistol last night, he's happily digging passages and was fighting a bit with the starfish that got in his way. I held off on adding him for almost 24 hours but I was worried he wouldn't do well. He had "joined" with the goby which is the only reason I got the pair, I was a little worried I wouldn't get a pre-joined pair for ages and I realize now that was probably too reckless. I'm happy that everything looks right on where it should be today, no sign of a dusty coating on the rocks I was worried about with the problem sand. I'm more concerned with posphate than ammonia right now, I will test for that later when i'm up for good, I dont know from talking to the owner and his description of the purity of the water how their membranes are - I would have used distilled if I did it over, but I got RO for 3.50 a 5g on senior's discount so I figured what the hell.
no flies overnight with just actinics - since I fed again there are 4 flies (20 mins approx) with the main lights on. So they must be mostly going after the grans
Quote: "A long period cycle isn't required when you've got all dead or cured rock, RO water, live sand and quick-cycle materials, and nothing is hardier than a cleanup crew."

Perhaps you are reading, but not comprehending the information as you are doing the opposite of what is recommended to start a reef tank. I wish you the best of luck, but you are going way too fast, not allowing a cycle to occur, killing fish and inverts (with no remorse), and not listening to the information given to you. You have a lot of confidence in what you are doing, perhaps more than someone with 14 posts should have.

Please read the stickies at the top. Allow your tank to cycle while you research the proper techniques to start a reef tank, and stop throwing animals and money into your tank and down the drain. I hope this is not too harsh, but how many threads have you seen about flies buzzing around reef tanks? I've been reefing for 20 years and have not encountered such a problem. It may be an indication that something is seriously wrong with your reef and reef husbandry. Just my opinion.
I think this is a fake thread. It can't be real. I don't know why I keep responding to this guy.. He is a know it all already yet asking for advice and going against most every thing people address. I don. Get it. It didn't happen without pics.... And flies!!!! Really. Never had or heard of anyone saying the tank must be doing good as there is only a few flies now Lol. This is hilarious.. But I do feel bad for his livestock in all reality.. If it makes it or not..
Dapg8gt is probably right on. I also think it's a fake thread. While I hate responding to such ridiculous statements, I would hate to see a real noobie see this thread in a search and follow some of the advice. I really would like to get some of that fine Lake Huron sand though :)
Anything in the world is only as good as it foundation. By starting with dirty sources the chance of contaminates is quite high. Considering most reefs strive for stability and control it seems to be a poor idea to deliberately give it a bad start. Head the advice on this forum it could very well save a fishes life.
Lol!! It is a pretty far fetched fake thread though.. Too much detail. I'm on the fence with this one I think he just thinks he's doing it right but in reality is totally wrong on most fronts. It's just not the right way to start a successful reef. Maybe in 1975 it would be kosher but with all the research and info at your disposal on the Internet and RC why not follow it. Again I'm not trying to sound like a Richard here but if this is a real thread/scenario you need to do some more research(and follow the info) and get the right equipment. Or else it will be a doomed project forever. You may have things that SURVIVE but it will not be what you are hoping or thinking. And FYI flies and reef tanks are not an indicator of good health.. And you should never keep fish/inverts in bags longer than you have to. The water gets toxic fairly fast an they will be out the door before they even have a chance to start there battle in your environment.
this is not a fake thread. I only got a minimal cleanup crew on direct advice of the LFS. I've been watching the tank numbers. I'll post a pic in a second because its finally clear enough water to take one. Originally I was planning to make use of a free aquarium (which by the way is 40"x18"x12" i goofed, its definitely 40g because 30g of water and the rock filled it to the top) and wanted to go as cheap as possible, but that idea didn't last very long and over the month or so of serious planning as you can see over this thread, I abandoned any ideas for an experimental tank after reading tons and tons of stuff and remembering more from the past. So instead I went and secured more funds to do everything as right as possible.

Re; the fly question. I live in a neighborhood by a ravine teeming with relatively wild animals (for the city) and one off-shoot of that is that alot of them come in the cat-door which for the other 11 months of the year is not a problem insect wise (occasionally a rabbit gets in and can't get out though. I release them unharmed if I get them before the cats do.) In august there are alot of flies, evidenced by the former basement light source between 10am and 11pm being my 40" LCD right beside where the tank is now, and on either side of that LCD I had to put hanging spiral glue-sticks because the flies drove me mad GOING AFTER THE LIGHT. Now there are no flies on the LCD because they are drawn to the 10k light like mad. There were no dead flies during the night with the actinic, and here's the real science through observation: when I fed the tank and turned on the daylights (I dont have the timers going yet) and fed the tank - the flies started going after the granules that hadn't sunk or been sucked into the filter yet. Now there are 6 floating in an eddy caused by the heater that I will have to deal with, but I like to be hands off for at least a couple of weeks as much as possible.

Too many hobbyists have a god complex and want to play puppeteer, and then later want validation for their personal technique. I much prefer to stick with the fundamentals of systematics. But to start piling on (unrepentant?) I was pretty sad when the fish died, and I feared the worst at that point. I had a pretty miserable couple of hours where I was all doom and gloom, but after a headcount later on I realized very little had died - and with the death specific to one thing - other than the 3 missing crabs that bailed (while I was watching) out of their shells that wouldn't sink - and the 4 damsels (still no idea but it WASNT ammonia and it WASNT nitrate and it WASNT phosphate - how the hell do you expect a system to ever reach ideal equilibrium if you don't start close to an equilibrium?

I did listen to a fair bit of advice in this forum although probably because of my rambling alot of my questions went unanswered and I found contradictory answers on google (which doesnt seem as good a search engine for this sort of thing as it was 10 years ago) - and it jangled loose my past experience pretty fast. I doubt that I ever would have gone with tapwater and (very beautiful looking, from a prime beach not gunky polluted ****) silica sand.

I think several people here are guilty for not reading the thread, being intentionally beligerent and pigheaded, especially the comments about me not feeling for the dead fish and the total BS about the flies. And then to assume its a joke thread, the only joke is that the behavior of the last few posters pretty much soured what I intended to be a long term stay on this forum.

starting out, very cloudy
this morning, note the flies barely visible in the eddy by the heater. And the heater is there for a reason, its the highest current point in the very good 360o current path.
I didnt realize those were going to inline rather than attach, sorry for dumping big pics. I havent used a forum in a long time.
Pig headed?? Im sorry op you are getting good replies and your just discounting them. You DO have ammonia or nitrite that kiiled your fish and inverts. You stuck fish and inverts in a bag for 4+ hours and added food to the bag. I think you think you know more than you do. And you said in a previous post reading more isnt the answer. Im sorry it is because you dont know how to start a reef and your lfs is giving you horrible advice. I asked on a previous post what was your params and you never answered. I saw that your "going" to get an api test kit. So how do you know you dont have any ammonia nitrite etc if you cant even test for them? And you call damsels "work" fish. They are hardier but if all 4 died you have serious issues. This thread is all kinds of...........:angryfire:
Yeah you don't know what your talking about. Did you even acclimate the fish other than floating them? You discredit all the responses with an answer you feel is right when most say it's wrong. So good luck on your tank. And a little word of advice most people on here are not trying to screw you. Most have made mistakes in this hobby. I think most take advice and don't have the I know what I'm doing attitude when obviously you don't. Good luck... You will need it.