Sand question


New member
Hey people... I am looking for some sand as well, if anyone has any.

Question: I am taking down my 50 gallon corner tank and transferring everything to my 120 that I just set up on Monday. I know that sand should not be stirred up, but I have a good 100 lbs. of it in my 50 gallon that I would like to transfer. It shouldn't be a problem, right? Also, anyone know of a good way to do this without getting a complete sandstorm in the 120?

Again, if anyone has any dry sand, let me know.
Put the sand into the tank first. Then slowly add water once your rock is in place. You may see a small cycle that should clear within 3-4 days, it's nearly impossible to avoid. Just my opinion. If the tank is cloudy after filling it up run all your pumps/powerheads. This will help clear the water.
If you put the sand in first, lay a trash bag or a lid of a rubbermaid bin on the bottom and pour the water onto that. This should help some. Oh and congrats on the 120. Post pics soon.