

New member
What's everyone using for sand in their tanks nowadays? The last time I set up a new tank it was Southdown. Just curious, as I just placed an order for a 120 and other odds and ends.
Tropic Marin reef flakes. My new favorite after using other brands for decades. It's a nice white color, and doesn't need nearly as much rinsing as other brands. The product line is available in a range of sizes from crushed coral-sized sand down to super fine sand. I wouldn't use anything else now that I've tried this.
Many (including myself) are using Carib Sea Special Grade Reef Sand..
Large enough that it doesn't blow around too much from powerheads (once it gets a bit of a bacterial slime on it) but plenty small for sand sifting creatures..

Tropical Eden sand is really nice too.. Just a tad tougher to find.. (less distribution)..

I always just use dry sand now.. The "live" stuff IMO has more dead in it than live due to it sitting on warehouse shelves,etc...
I like the Carib sea sand too. I've used it in the last several tanks prior to discovering the Tropic Marin sand. If it's easier to find than the Tropic Marin sand I would use it.
love it black makes everything pop!

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I've used the special grade also, but when I replaced the substrate on my 115 gal mixed reef I decided to try Reefflakes. Great stuff, and did not blow around my tank as I feared. Yes it's clean, but I still had to wash it throughly before use, and it took a day to clear up. I bought 3 bags on line at a discount, but really only needed 2. I might add to my 30gal office tank, currently bear bottom.