sandsifting gobies anybody seen some around

I saw some diamond gobies and bullet gobies at Barrier Reef in Boca today. I also think Fish Collection in NMB has some diamond gobies.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jon770
I saw some diamond gobies and bullet gobies at Barrier Reef in Boca today. I also think Fish Collection in NMB has some diamond gobies.
Thx - nothing in broward?
Call Reef's Edge, they usually have some. Exotic Aquatic also usually has Diamond Gobies and/or sleepers. They dig a lot!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
Call Reef's Edge, they usually have some. Exotic Aquatic also usually has Diamond Gobies and/or sleepers. They dig a lot!
thx Pedro- I need them to dig need some sand cleaning had a couple for over a year but slowly withered away.
I'll hunt them down tomorrow.
I know that you know they make a mess on the rocks and corals with that sand. Why not get nassariss snails?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11545980#post11545980 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by derrell
eco reef had some the other day and they usually always have them. they had 6 when i was there.
In addition to a yellowhead sleeper goby that's constantly sifting and digging, I've got a couple of sand-sifting stars in my tank. They do a terrific job of keeping the sand bed clean. My 90 was wall to wall spaghetti worms, now it's nice and clean. And the wrasses don't seem to bother them. I think the Diamond Goby in my 55 is more industrious than the sleeper though. That guy's a bulldozer.
Diamonds are great, but I like the twinspot the best! My favorite for the burrowing ones are the duskies, with the giant black head.