Santa came early :)


Still like getting toys !!
Can't wait to play with

Sure is . I have running mine for about a month wonderful to finally have it at your fingers to change lights. Mp are not on it yet .they say early next year
Not to intrude. But there are several controllers out there that can control the functions as well. so why not a controller?
Not to intrude. But there are several controllers out there that can control the functions as well. so why not a controller?

Ya - was wondering the same thing. For another $200 you could have bought a used apex lite with vdm module.
IMHO- Ecotech is trying to do their own thing, but agree Neptune might have a leg ahead of them.

Neptune has really stepped up their game in the last few years. Again, IMHO if they continue staying ahead of the game as they have over the last few years, they will dominate the controller market.
I was thinking the same as some of you about using a Apex. But remember a lot of people (I would guesstimate the majority) probably don't own computers. Or don't want to deal with trying to get different devices to talk with each other. Its a smart move on there end I think.

I wish ecotech and others (Neptune) would start integrating wifi radios into their products. I would gladly pay another $20 for this. There is no reason why they can't. Especially when I can get a light bulb that does this. At the very least allow USB wifi adapters over Ethernet only.

Ok... Rant done :)