santa Monica ats units


Active member
Figured I'd give a review on these guys here.

I have had the hang on glass ATS for few years now its great how much it grows. It can really help when having green algae issues in display and focus them into the ATS instead. My hang on started falling apart so I found the new units. Drop in style ATS and I got it.

Came in mail and I must say I'm impressed with it. Very nice and sleek and much easier for maintenance. I will post pictures of old and new units soon.
Please post picture of actual growth in the new unit. I've yet to see one growing anything of significance.
Thanks for posting. I have started researching these, they look like they do a pretty good job. I might try a couple of them in my new 120. I would think you would want two, harvest one week while the other one is still growing. That way your nutrient level don't fluctuate Is there any good threads you can link me to?
Ill look for one for ya em

I don't think you would need two though but to each there own. I get what your saying tho and it makes a valid point I just clean mine off once a week and not a crazy cleaning I just get the majority out maybe hit it with a tank tooth brush a little give it a rinse and throw it back in. The grow screen stays plenty green after and is ready to continue growth.
Do they have a built in light source? It looks to be an enclosed unit, but without light, how can the algae grow?
@ webmanny if you look at the picture with the box open on the right inside you see a black area sticking out .... that's a single red led .... how its able to go under water beats me I think there is a clear seal over it.

But at night I could see the red light shining out of the air hole outlet so its working :)
Gotcha maybe I can go with just one then. My 120 is about a year old now so it's starting to produce nitrates. I just started a T5 light over macro in the sump but this thing looks more efficient and easier to clean
wow. I definitely missed that. That is a PCB star. How in the hell can that be under water?

I guess at only 2.7VDC and 700ma, may not be harmful for the tank, but I would never run an open circuit on my tank. With my luck, God knows it would turn into a deep frier real quick. LOL
Interesting. Was it very expensive? I seem to remember seeing another in tank scrubber that was fairly basic but cost was astronomical considering they can be built for fairly cheap.

The part that really caught my eye was the growing your own algae as food for your fish. I usually try to get to the root cause of any nutrient issues I have as opposed to masking it with something like this but I messed up in the beginning of my build by using crushed coral as a large part of my substrate. I currently run biopellets to try and offset but if this can also grow food for your fish that is cool too!. Have you tried feeding any of your fish the algae grown from the ATS? I didn't think many fish really cared for hair algae? Is it as nutritious for say a tang as nori seaweed or others?
Actually my scopus tang will eat it as did my fox face when.I had it. Midas blenny picks at it here and there.

The unit I got was 114 after tax and shipping which I don't think is bad at all for what you get.

I also run biopellets and an itech200 skimmer