A couple weeks ago while diving I was moving tons of this crap out of the way when the thought came to mind... from the little research Ive done it appears to do a good job..
hmm i dont see it working very well.....
ive never seen it live very long in a aquarium, however in a refuge, i just might. all i know is when it starts to die, it releases something into the water, turns it brown like tea.
I tried some before in my refugium, started lightening up and then died. Had under 6500k lights, may need more intensity than my flouresnce tube. Cheato and grape culpera grow good. Now experimenting with codium in sump. Will see which grow fastest.
Where are you guys collecting it? I believe the stuff you get near the beach is already dying off. Good sargassum is less then buoyant, I believe was the rule...
You can find it out by the stream off ft. laud. We look for the masses while fishing for Mahi. Yes, the stuff on the surface is dying, but there's usually more below which has nice color
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