Schuran media..?


That's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for the post. I just placed my order. Cost me less than $10 (ordered extra in case I screwed up) That probably would have cost $75 from Schuran.

As far as peristaltic pumps go, check out the ones Clark offers. They are built for continuous duty.

I was kind of surprised the Jetstream didn't come with a C02 check valve. I'm using a Dennerle from my old reactor. Did you guys install one?

The H&S Ca Reactors (new to this country) also use the larger media (10mm) like Schuran does, and recommends a dosing (peristaltic) pump on the output, sucking the effluent out of the reactor...

I wish Schuran would mention this as well...

Please keep us posted guys about how your peristaltic pumps work with these reactors... For me it's going to be a choice between H&S or Schuran...

BTWââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Âanother source for the Schuran Coral Sand media is Aquaristics USA:
Thanks for the link, Todd.

I've seen you around a few times on the message board. Not a bad place to gather information on these reactors. Pretty much everyone advocates using a peristaltic pump (or 'peri' :D ) And it makes perfect sense to me. I've lost several days of my life measuring out effluent into a b-ionic cup over the course of a minute at a time, and then fiddling with a valve.

My pump should be here this week. I ended up bidding on a brand-new LMI metering pump on ebay (model A18), and I won it at $86. After looking all over the internet for prices, I see that this lab-grade pump has a price tag of $550 typically :eek: They can be found commonly for $150-200 on ebay.

This pump is variable from 0.47 to 60 mL/minute and is designed to run continuously. It was a good find.

I guess we'll see when I recieve it.


Did you get your peri pump yet. Looking forward to an update.

Finally got my Schuran media today. I got it up and running and so far so good. Doing about 60mls a minute with a little over 100 bpm keeps the effluent at aroud 6.3. Will do some water testing tomorrow.

I hooked up a ph controller like Sean did and it works great.
Is the theory that the larger Schuran media lasts longer, therefore less is needed...? I can't imagine how Schuran can rate the Jetstream 1 for up to 800 gallons when it only holds 5.5 pounds of media...?

Does this stuff dissolve real slowly...?
Well, lets just say that when I first set up my reactor, the effluent line clogged a few times. This caused a very low pH in the reactor. This has happened with ARM in the past [with other reactors], and it has caused a huge mess. With the Schuran, it just caused a very high dKH in the effluent once I got it going again. Also, I've been running mine for a month and I drained it last night in order to move it downstairs... there's no 'slick' on the reaction chamber just like they say in the product blurb. The media seems to just dissolve as opposed to breaking down in to tiny pieces. This is a huge bonus.

As for the 800 gal rating, I'm not sure. But I think big media and fast flow are the way to go. If you've ever cleaned out a media chamber full of 9-month old ARM, and then see the way this large media dissolves, you'll know exactly what I mean.

Obviously, one month with the schuran isn't a fair assessment, but so far I've VERY impressed with this unit.

As for my new electro-magnetic metering pump...

It makes a "thump" sound at a user-adjusted interval. It makes my sump sound like dance music (which I HATE). So I took 4 hours and relocated the pump and reactor downstairs last night.
It turns out that the additional tubing, walls, and floor that the tubing passes through amplify the sound even more. I'm selling the pump IMMEDIATELY and getting a peristalic pump. In the meanwhile, I'll be tee'ing off of my return pump.

I'm disappointed in the metering pump. It is a VERY nice unit though.

Ewan and allââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Âyou are really selling me on the Schuran units... They sound to have so many pluses no one else has, possibly with the exception of H&S...

Keep up the updating...!

P.S. Ewan, UltimateReef is a pretty cool place, huh? They are so much more mellow and laid back than many here on RC...
before this thread started, I believe Premium Aquatics planned on discontinuing the Schuran line (at least the jetstream 1's) because they weren't selling. Now I see they have a waiting list. I'm glad to see that.

I hope I didn't misconstrue the facts...

I wanted one for a long time, but I was waiting for a good time to convince my wife I needed to purchase my third reactor. I had already used "this is the last reactor I'll ever buy"... so that was out.

When my former reactor sprung a massive leak, she told me to buy something that wouldn't need to be replaced. I think I got it right this time.

I love trouble-free equipment. I've replaced the lights on both my reefs with german units (Giesemann and Aquaspacelight), and finally got around to buying a litermeter last december. No more fooling around.

As for Ultimate reef, That place is awesome. There are a lot of very cool people there, and they are extremely helpful. Additionally, there is much less bickering. That board certainly helped me make my decision to buy the schuran.

Of course, the H&S is nothing to sneeze at either. Do you have a source for it here? If not, watch out for those 220v pumps...

I assume you've been here:

Yeah, I'd love some pics!

This Ca reactor does seem to be the most popular one with European hobbyests, huh? My new tank will be run with the ZEOvit system, and most of the guys on the German ZEOvit site use the Jetstream 1...

Yeah, H&S is new to America and being imported by this guy here in California... The pumps are US spec AquaBees, but they are still AquaBees and about as common in the US as stem cell research...! This is what makes me nervous about any of the H&S products (Or Deltec for that matter too), is the hassle of the AquaBee pumps and parts. Not to mention the guy importing the H&S line, Robert Dalton, has given me pretty poor service, and if you can't get someone to sell you something, how are you ever going to get parts and service from them down the line...?!

I noticed the oil slick claim by Schuran as well... Never having run a Ca reactor before, I am not sure what causes the slick...? Why does the Schuran unit not produce it...?

Looking forward to the pics...!
Can you guys tell me how you feed the Jetstream 1 as per Schuran? What is the size of the intake...? I will probably use a peristalic pump to pull effluent out from the unit, and tonight did the return plumbing for my tank, and T-offed a 1/2" FPT thread for feeding a Ca reactor. I am wondering ultimately what size I will need to reduce to...?