SCMAS March Meeting

Leopard Wrasse

New member

The next meeting will be held on March 3rd, hope to see
everyone there.


Host: John (johnstelting)

Where: 14456 Tierra Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80921-2814

When: 1pm

Thanks to John for hosting,
if any one has questions feel free to call me.


Map to John's
March Meeting

March Meeting

No need to bring anything........ I'll have plenty to eat and drink... Hope to see everyone here to help give me tips on my tank.

March meeting

March meeting

While I don't have a sump, I will have a small 10 gallon tank setup if anyone wants to bring some frags to trade.

If you have any extra equipment bring it along too.

Hope to see lots of people.



I was not looking for any specific equipment, just thought it would be something different if anyone had extra equipment to bring it to the meeting and try to do some swaps or sell it.

See you there.

March Meeting

March Meeting

Hope to see lots of people at the meeting.

Could someone bring a calcium tester please? I can test for just about everything but calcium and am just curious what my water tests at.


Thanks for hosting, John. You and your wife have a beautiful home and lots of space for a MUCH bigger tank or tanks ;-). Let me know when you want to build a stand and/or move the tank into the living room.
March meeting

March meeting

Thanks to all those that came out to my house. My wife and I enjoyed visiting with everyone.

See you next month.

Sorry I couldn't make it guys...right now things are demanding for me and I have little to no free time, hence, why I scaled back my tank. Glad to hear it was a good meeting.