Screen for PVC Drain


Premium Member
On my forty I decided to just use a PVC pipe for the drain and not have an overflow. It's working great but I need a screen to keep my fish and snails from taking a really cool ride to the sump. I tried a PVC cap and drilling holes etc but it's too restrictive and slows the flow down and the pump runs dry.

You can kind of see the PVC drain in this pic in the center back.


Have you tried running that cap over the table saw and cutting slots in it. Works better than drilling holes.
I hit the LFS and got a stainer. Working great. I didn't think they had any and it looks a lot better.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6547004#post6547004 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ace
I hit the LFS and got a stainer. Working great. I didn't think they had any and it looks a lot better.
What kind of strianer?
Ditto the mesh idea.. I have 2" Drains, and used to Perforated Tubing that Aquatic Eco sells. Works mint.

- Mac