They will all be diving singles with the possible exception of 1 guy who is the only person around here that is a Tech diver and dives doubles...
Wow. That's a seriously bad idea. I mean, who would enter a cave - buddy or not - with a singles rig? And that's just a cave.
Ice diving has all the same dangers, but add bitter cold, numb fingers, and suspended judgement.
I'm surprised that your LDS isn't smarter than to encourage people to ice dive in a singles rig.
I bought a 160' finger spool just to have on hand and to use w/ my SMB.
That's great... For open water. Under the ice, an SMB won't do you any good.
Of course, you've already said that you're not ice diving (in fact, you may want to question EVER diving with these guys), but just to let you know...
The Ice Divers will be diving tethered with a rope handler on the surface, rather than stringing their own lines... This is what I have been told anyway.
Yeah, that's really, really, really a bad idea. What's that for... So they can retrieve the bodies?
Dude, I can already tell that you're definitely not "the weakest link" with this group.
ANY TIME you let someone who is not THE DIVER have control (via tether) over THE DIVER, it's a really, really bad mix. What happens when the diver's at 100 feet, and somehow the tender gets the impression that the diver wants to be pulled out (or if the tender simply decides that the diver's been in there long enough)? You've got it... Instant DCS. Or embolism. Or burst ear drum. What happens if the diver needs to stop to equalize? He can't... And the tender never knows that he's bursting the diver's ear drums until it's too late.
There is simply NO situation where a tender, who knows nothing about what's going on with the diver, should be allowed to have control over the diver. Period.
I served for years with our local marine rescue squadron... And thus trained under DRI - Dive Rescue International. One of their big mantras is to ALWAYS tether the diver... And that someone topside should be "in control" of the dive.
The entire philosophy is totally flawed - written by control freaks who are not divers. They are people who are too scared to dive, but want to be "in charge." They feel that it makes them superior to the cool guys - the divers.
Those that adopt the practices taught by DRI are dumb enough to be led around by the blind. Worse than the blind... The blind with personal issues.
The ONLY reason a diver should EVER be tethered is if his gas is surface supplied... And in that case, a two-way communication system needs to be used. And any tender who is found pulling on a tether is fired on the spot (they are to take up slack but NEVER to pull, yank, signal, or otherwise interfere with the diver and his decisions).
...But what monkey see, monkey do - which is where DRI comes in. They see commercial divers using tethers, and they do it too. The practice is moments from death for any individual on the submerged end of that tether... Usually tendered by a clueless volunteer high school dropout who simply doesn't know any better. That's why he's a TENDER and not a DIVER, after all.
Ice diving, with singles and tethers? Dude, you're really a lucky man to have decided not to go with them.
I would, from this point on, be on the serious lookout for other incredible acts of stupidity when it comes to diving.
They aren't even diving stage bottles or even ponies? No redundant gasses at all?
Wow. Just wow.
Hope nobody gets unlucky at the wrong moment...
What's next... Parachuteless skydiving - while wearing a bulletproof vest? Helmetless motorcycle racing - while wearing a safety harness? Clifftop downhill skiiing - while wearing a jock strap and cup?