

New member
Hey guys, I just got a wet/dry for my tank. Planning on filling it with live rock, not bio balls dont worry. I just wanted to see if anybody had used the SCWD and what you thought of it. Does anybody have one for sale or trade.
I guess I'm with two constant outlets and not switch the current between them.
The monti cap seems to be doing good, I placed it only a couple inches from the top of the water and in medium flow. Havent seen any polyp extension but I dont know if you can see it in Monti Caps, but color seems good.
Hey Karl,

You should see polyp extension, the polyps are orange though and might be hard to spot. Mine has poylps all over the coral underside as well.

I use a couple of those and I have no problem at all, sometimes I see some caulerpa at the tank coming from the sump and refugium so it does not get clog even with a big peaces
Scwd w/ mag 12 & Scwd w/ via aqua 3600
Low flow? It could be just keep that in mind when selecting a pump
Mine work pretty good

Is that 700-800 gph for the main pump?

Just to give you and idea on my set-up one is for the main pump and the other for the close loop. I start testing for the close loop with a mag 5 no good then a 7 a 9.5 and finally the mag 12 and that work very very good even to be use as a main flow source only