sea hare died


New member
I don't know why my sea hare just died. Are they a hardy animal? Mine was doing great for about a month eating some hair algae. I still have a bunch of hair algae so I know he didn't starve. I think I am going to try another one. Have others had luck with keeping them? Thanks.
Same thing happened to us. Was mowing down the hair algae, then before he was done... dead. I was bummed as I think they are rather cute. As well as the best hair algae eater we've ever had.

I had one for a little over a year. Ran out of algae so I gave it away.

Later bought another and had it for about a year and then gave it away.

Not sure of the life-span, but I think they are very sensitive to water chem. Try acclimating them well, the stress of a poor acclimation or a weak animal may cause an early death.

I have never had one die, but have never had one for more then about 14+ months either.
I have have had 4 of them from 4 different stores and each one lasted less than a week. They all start out the same munching down hair algae and then they are dead. I'm beginning to think my algae is poisonous. I give up.
boy, that doesn't sound too good. I know that they are sensitive to salinity changes but I don't think I had any changes in my tank. I don't know either.