Sea Hare feeding.


Premium Member
I bought a Sea Hare from Something Fishy about a month ago and he's done VERY well with pruneing down my GHA issue. I'm worried that when the algae runs out he will slowly starve. I'm looking for feeding options before I give him away, since he seems quite happy munching away in my tank.
Two things come to mind:

Nori sheets rubber banded to a piece of rubble rock should help sustain him. The tangs in my 125 are too big and agressive for suctioncup vegi clips and they seem to prefer this as it's closer to browsing over the rocks. Eventually the hermits and snails pick over the bits directly under the rubberbands, but if you have no herbivores your hare should have no trouble finding and consuming it.

Try "renting" him to someone locally who has the same issues and take him back when the job is done, or arrange to have him passed on again.