Sea Shepherd

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Attention loving thick heads..

They do nothing to help animals. They just want to
see their faces on tv

Their advocacy for banning the collection of all fish for the ornamental fish industry in Hawai'i totally ignores the research by biologists from multiple universities and the World Wildlife Fund that shows when areas are protected from collection the yellow tang population goes up to the DETRIMENT of other much less common species (meaning less common species become even rarer, Achilles Tangs being one example).

They are championing an agenda that ignores the research for need of healthy populations of apex preditors ie sharks, to maintain pristine reef ecosystems and the research showing sunscreen is a serious threat to corals.
I agree eco terrorism. If i were on a boat engaging in legal activities, and they moved with aggression as they often do- it would be AK47 time. Open water in the ocean is no place to play games.
I agree eco terrorism. If i were on a boat engaging in legal activities, and they moved with aggression as they often do- it would be AK47 time. Open water in the ocean is no place to play games.

Yes, if you were engaging in legal activities... The issue is that whaling in a sanctuary is not "legal". The Japanese whaling has been ruled ILLEGAL by the International Court of Justice. So in this campaign.. Their aggressive approach is to combat an illegal act.

The International Court of Justice said "While today's ruling did not outlaw the killing of whales for scientific research per se, it categorically stated that Japan's whaling programme in the Southern Ocean was not for scientific purposes, and the amount of whales being killed was not justifiable in the name of science. The court went on to say that Japan must stop issuing permits for this whaling."

Now in their other campaigns such as the Faroe Island Grindstop, you may have a point. This is a legal activity, but if you notice the approach from Sea Shepherd is not as aggressive in this campaign. They do not ram ships, they do not throw things, they hold signs and record the grinds, and steer whales away from the island.. They interfere they do not put anyone in harms way in these campaigns..

Their advocacy for banning the collection of all fish for the ornamental fish industry in Hawai'i totally ignores the research by biologists from multiple universities and the World Wildlife Fund that shows when areas are protected from collection the yellow tang population goes up to the DETRIMENT of other much less common species (meaning less common species become even rarer, Achilles Tangs being one example).

They are championing an agenda that ignores the research for need of healthy populations of apex preditors ie sharks, to maintain pristine reef ecosystems and the research showing sunscreen is a serious threat to corals.

Great post!
Yes, if you were engaging in legal activities... The issue is that whaling in a sanctuary is not "legal". The Japanese whaling has been ruled ILLEGAL by the International Court of Justice. So in this campaign.. Their aggressive approach is to combat an illegal act.

The International Court of Justice said "While today's ruling did not outlaw the killing of whales for scientific research per se, it categorically stated that Japan's whaling programme in the Southern Ocean was not for scientific purposes, and the amount of whales being killed was not justifiable in the name of science. The court went on to say that Japan must stop issuing permits for this whaling."

Now in their other campaigns such as the Faroe Island Grindstop, you may have a point. This is a legal activity, but if you notice the approach from Sea Shepherd is not as aggressive in this campaign. They do not ram ships, they do not throw things, they hold signs and record the grinds, and steer whales away from the island.. They interfere they do not put anyone in harms way in these campaigns..

Ah okay... And who gives them the right to do what they do? On what juristic base do they act? Sorry, I don't like what the japanese do either. But what SeaS. does is more than unacceptable. They are not the freaking eco police. They don't have the right to ram ships or creating a dangerous situations for the whalers.

Just because they act in international waters tjat doesn't mean they can do what they want.

I deeply hope that this organisation will be forbidden soon and people like Watson have to take responsibility for their actions in front of a court.
Ah okay... And who gives them the right to do what they do? On what juristic base do they act? Sorry, I don't like what the japanese do either. But what SeaS. does is more than unacceptable. They are not the freaking eco police. They don't have the right to ram ships or creating a dangerous situations for the whalers.

Just because they act in international waters tjat doesn't mean they can do what they want.

I deeply hope that this organisation will be forbidden soon and people like Watson have to take responsibility for their actions in front of a court.

In most parts of the ocean this would be considered an Act of Piracy, IMHO
If you are legally acting to support conservation and prevent illegal activity, you are ok.

By acting illegally, they are doing the same thing as any other group/person acting illegally. If they don't have to follow the law, then why should the other side of it?
If you are legally acting to support conservation and prevent illegal activity, you are ok.

By acting illegally, they are doing the same thing as any other group/person acting illegally. If they don't have to follow the law, then why should the other side of it?

I don't know why you guys keep talking about "legal" and "illegal." Don't these people basically think that whales are people and therefore it's a moral issue? If that's the case, then laws don't matter. Am I misunderstanding this?
That is right.
But just because it is a thing of moral for them,
the world does not have to support the things they do.
Because for the most of us the law is standing above moral. Or what they call "moral".
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The law is the law.

They are saying they are out to stop the illegal hunting. They are the ones who rag on the 'illegal' actions of taking the whales. They themselves are then going and doing something illegal. They are just as criminal as the actions of the whalers.

The proper way to go about stopping it would be through the legal channels provided.

I support whale conservation. I do not support the illegal actions of the eco-terrorists who are claiming to support the same thing I do.
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