SeaChem Kalkwasser 2 Kg Bucket?


New member
Ok, so a little background. I have bought thousands of dollars worth of supplies/equipment from MD and always been VERY happy with my orders, very accurate/timely/good prices/etc. etc.

Anyway, recently I ordered my usual 2 Kg SeaChem kalkwasser powder bucket. When I received it, I immediately noticed that it is significantly smaller, about 1/2 the size of my previous 2 Kg SeaChem kalkwasser buckets, yet the labelling says 2 Kg.

Sarah at MB has been helping me and has been most kind/cooperative. Recently I e-mailed her pictures of the two different buckets side-by-side. According to her, the measurements of the 2 Kg buckets are 7 1/2" tall X 8" diameter, which corresponds to the measurements of the smaller bucket of Kalk that is in question. So, I am assuming that she is correct in that I have in fact received the correct product.

So, my question is this: Has SeaChem recently changed the concentration (although directions are exactly the same, so I doubt they changed the concentration) or packaging of their "older" 2 Kg buckets of Kalk powder to a more compact bucket?

Thanks in advance.

Actually weighing them would be the easiest way to tell...but I don't have a scale! :mad2:

Thank you for your post, after looking into the situation with Sara, it looks like Sea Chem only changed their packaging, the concentration of the formula is all the same and has not changed.

I am glad to hear that Sara was helpful in your situation, Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Walter F
Marine Depot Customer Services Supervisor
714.385.0080 Phone
714.385.0180 Fax