Seahorse Mating Dance on Live Webcam -- NOW


New member
Hi, Everyone,

My Seahorses are doing their beautiful graceful mating dance right now!

user name: reef-friends
pw: Hippocampus

Click on "Single"

The first time you access it you will be asked to install Panasonic active-x control -- it's safe, only takes a few seconds, and you will not be able to see the live feed without it.


cool George! I see a mardarin, a clownfish, and is that a 6 line?

McCosker Wrasse.

The two Seahorses are somewhere in the vegetation smoking cigarettes. LOL They were at it for at least an hour this afternoon, unfortunately they were done shortly after I made the post so I'm not sure anyone got to see them. They'll probably do it again tomorrow afternoon.

McCosker Wrasse.

The two Seahorses are somewhere in the vegetation smoking cigarettes. LOL They were at it for at least an hour this afternoon, unfortunately they were done shortly after I made the post so I'm not sure anyone got to see them. They'll probably do it again tomorrow afternoon.


Beautiful fish. I just bought one from Aqua life direct but it died two days later :( The clown goby I bought as well developed ick, but some quick intervention the goby is doing fine....

I'll ck oon the video tomorrow