Seahorse Pics, Anyone?

Took this one at a friends store:
Love the colour of yours gregr, nice shot.

louist great macro shots, what camera and lens are you using ? I was thinking about getting a macro lens for my D70.
wow, I still haven't mastered my macro lense to get shots like that!
You can see several pics of my seahorses by clicking on the red house. It's easier for me to upload to that gallery than to have to resize everything and upload it (again) here.
I have H. Comes species.
what camera and lens are you using ?
All those were taken on a Canon 10D with 180mm macro lens. I don't have my 180 at the moment, but I have a MP-E65 instead! Haven't shot as much as I wanted, life's too busy atm.

Macro lens are great fun, the 90/100mm macro lens are a good start if your budget isn't huge or you haven't really refined your requirements. I got the 180, it's heavy, bulky and expensive, but I wanted to shoot insects.
Thanks for the info louist, i have a Nikon D70 and was thinking about trying out the Sigma 105 for my first macro lens.
not pristine because that was my first day with the camera, but isn't he just awesome?

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