Sealife DC500 Opinions?


Premium Member
Any opinions on this camera?

I went to the local dive shop today and asked them about what type of camera they recommend for underwater pictures.

They said for the price, you cant go wrong with the Sealife DC500 because it has an underwater features built into the camera options(Scene Option) that others dont. Not sure if it matters or not.
I wouldn't bother.
If you already have a camera, just get one of the inexpensive polycarbonate housings made for your camera by the manufacturer.

Check out this site, find the housing to fit your camera and go have fun with it :D

Also check out

(me shooting video in Bonaire)

Thanks for the feedback.

Well, I have a Nikon 3100 which doesnt have an Underwater housing anymore so is the Sealife a nice option because I can get it locally or do you feel its not a good option?

So, I can either go buy a new digital camera and an underwater housing or buy the SeaLife camera which has some features for underwater shooting that I havent found in other digital cameras. Specifically this SHARK MODE which basically has no shutter delay. I have found a few cameras that have the underwater mode but nothing like the shutter delay that I see in my current Nikon that has a delay when you hit the button to take the picture.