Sealing a 2,000g tank


Premium Member
So, a 2,000g tank is available

It has to be dismantled & moved, 10' x 6' x 5'
The bottom I believe is not one piece

Has anyone set one up like this?
What is used to seal the bottom? There is currently some sort of black sealer that has been used

wow! truly incredible...and to answer your question about sealing it, let me recommend to seal it with "the jaws of life"
"That is one awsome tank but lighting and cleaning it is going to be a pain...

very true,but so worth it! that tank is massive
There is currently some sort of black sealer that has been used

Mike Paletta at IMAC this yr. said he used a black silicone ( he got it from Germany) to seal his 1200 gal. tank b/c he felt it was stronger than the clear.
Scuba_Dave if your buying that tank for yourself or a friend is, I'm sure your getting it for a steal. Without question have a professional come to your house to set it up for you. I wouldn't belive it would cost more than a couple of hundred and the insurance would be MORE than make up for it. A professional would do in hrs what would take you a week. It will look better and you will sleep better..... My 2 cts
Even if you flew someone in for the job, they would do it in one day and would end up costing pennies compared to getting the tank made for you new.
Man, when I moved, I dismantled mine 300 and it was a pain, the black silicone is an though ***** to break, but if you want to do it yourself, just be sure to buy a lot of razor blades, a a ticket to your nearest hospital.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7939529#post7939529 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thatguy
How much? Not that I have the money or space for that matter.

Just for instance....
My 325g with three overflows was $100, plus gas, brand new
2 layers of glass on the bottom, the bottom layer is cracked
Tank still holds water

This one would be a challenge, and a bargain
I would only have a "small" 300g sump
The only reason being I would be semi-diving in the tank at times to clean. The displaced water has to go somewhere