SEAS February Meeting Update


New member
The SEAS Club Meeting

When: Saturday, February 7th at 12:00 Noon
Where: The Planet Coral - 1400 W. Sunshine (across from Braums)

Topic: SPS Care 101 - The Fundamentals of Stony Coral Care
Raffle: $50 Gift Certificate to The Planet Coral!

Join us for our February meeting where we'll discuss the selection and care of small-polyped stony corals. Acropora, montipora, hydnophora, seriatopora are all examples of the most challenging animals to maintain in our reef aquariums. To tie in with our theme for the day, we will be raffling off a $50 gift certificate to the Planet Coral so you can buy your very own SPS colony (open to current SEAS members only)!

We'll also distribute membership cards (YES - we will have them) to all current SEAS members. You will receive an e-mail this week showing your current membership status - it's not too late to renew or start your membership before the meeting. Just click on "Join the SEAS" in the top menu of our website and sign up online!

Of course, there will be a great frag swap and lots of good conversations with fellow hobbyists in the area.

See YOU on the 7th!