Second redox probe


New member
hi All,
How do you connect up a second redox probe, one is running ozone the second I want to run de-nitrator.
Thanks I have allready done that, but it is not showing second redox on the computer. If you go to system it is showing it there, so how do i access it ?.
hehhe I was just going to comment on "Slot 0"... only reason I know this is that I read the small print in the new manual on page 57 when I installed my PH card :c)

Important hint: In ProfiLux Plus II eX it is not possible to use measurement cards (e.g. PLM-pH) in
slot 0 (this is the slot next to the piggyback board)! This slot can only be used for intelligent cards
(e.g. PLM-2L4S) or communication cards (e.g. PLM-LAN).
I was gona pop mine in also and then I tough.... mmmm maby I should see what the manual has to say :c)