Seeking advices for 96"L x 24"W x 30"Height (300 gallons)


New member
Hello everyone,

I am thinking of upgrading to a 300 gallons and put it in my dinning room. I have to make some sacrifices by removing the cabinet and few other things to fit the tank in there. The dinning room will be smaller but I really really like a bigger tank.

These are the fishes that I want to keep:
1) Emperor Angelfish
2) Achilles Tang
3) Yellow Tang
4) 4 Damsels.

My number one concern is whether or not they will live comfortable in this tank? ( I will never ever upgrade to anything bigger in the future).
I will keep 3-4 huge SPS colonies and that is it.

Acrylic or Glass?
I just can't make up my mind on this issue. Please give me some suggestions.
I haven't keep anything this big before. any advices or suggestion would be much appreciated.

Well I better start saving my pennies so I can start this project in the summer of next year.

Anyone have the same tank with exact same dimensions out there?

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Initially I was going to put the tank in the basement but after talking to my family, they agree for me to modify the dinning room to fit this tank in there. 24" width is the Max I can go.
Just a word of caution, although i have seen the emperor angelfish in reef tanks, yhey are not considered reef safe and may nip at your sps
Great dimensions on the tank, but a 30" high tank is gonna make the maintenance tough. I have a custom made tank that is 53"L x 36Wx 24H and the water is up to my arm pit when I touch the sand bed. I love the depth though, beware of the emperor in a reef tank.
In all seriousness your height is determined by the room height, if you have options of going tall. Ceiling height is critical in sizing the tank appropriately. Basement tanks are often shorter in height so not to overwhelm the room. My tank is in a great room which serves as my study. In my case tall is critical to obtaining a good esthetic result. For rock placement a Width greater than 24" is optimal and I agree with many on this. There are good tools for husbandry and coral placement so height itself should not discourage you. I have said it before but will repeat that there is nothing like a tall dramatic tank. They recapitulate the public aquaria like no other. But you gotta have the proper room. Best of luck.
I have that exact dimensions I'm my dining / living room and love it. Mine is a Lee mar and is still in the process of being finalized. I was in the same situation and as much as I would of loved to have a tank 4 feet wide it would over take the room way to much and not fit in the cut out. I personally don't regret getting a 30 inch tall tank and love the extra water volume
I currently have a 230 60 x 30 x 30 that I bought in 2008. (Ohio 230 in the large tank forum) If there was anything I could change I would have gone more on the width and less on the height. Lower on the height to make ease of maint and less of a challenge for obtaining the right lighting and par for the lower depths. Would also of put my overflows in reverse as opposed to having them visible in the tank and to make room for aquascaping. Just my thoughts.