

Premium Member
What size of Seio's should I get for my 90 gal im looking at the 620's and 820's, two of either.
well it depends. were you still getting rid of only 2 powerheads or all 4 you currently have? if you keep the 2 with rotating heads, just get 1 820 for the other side. otherwise get 2 820 or the next size.
I run (02) 1500's on mine, bouncing them off the front glass. i alson run a Mag 9.5 as my return from my Fuge and sump..
On my 75 I run 2 1100's, a Mag 9.5 return, and 2 additional powerheads. Flow is good throughout tank. It really depends on the type of reef you plan on having. SPS dominant, mixed etc. I agree with the others and would get 2 1100's minimum and skip the lower 620 and 820 models if you plan to keep several SPS.
Get the largest available. You can always close the intakes down and decrease the flow, but you can't increase it if it's insufficient.
I have 2 1500s, a mag 12 return and 2 maxijet 1200s on a 75. I have no problems keeping higher and lower flow corals/invertebrates (i.e. mixed reef). The flow from these pumps is diffused, so if carefully positioned, they can allow good flow to what needs it and vice versa.
The other consideration is your fish load. Small fish definitely have some trouble swimming in the heavy current of my 1100, and they tend to sit in the peripheral parts of the tank.
i have an 820 running in my 90. but i have a closed loop pump as well as the main pump too. just a little extra current never hurt anyone. plus its funny to watch the fish get caught in its stream when they eat.
I've got 2 1500's in my 55Gal with MJ 1200 and MJ 650?? I have No problems.. other than the sand disapering in the front :) They are verry difuse flow.