Selling Everything

1 UFO Mycedium
Clown Fish (would like to get him out before live rock starts to go)
Cabbage Leather
Green Palys
Large Devils Hand Leather
Small Green Favia
Brown Mushrooms
and 3 Frilly Mushrooms

Once the livestock goes then the liverock. There is alot of Chaeto and live rock rubble in the sump.
Do you still have the following hardware?

Aqua Controller Jr. and DC8: $225.00
Comes with a Lab Grade PH probe.
All barely used

Sander 50 mg Ozone/Adjustible: $65.00

Pacific Coast Imports CL-280 Chiller: $150.00
If no more takers for the night, I'm about to call it a night. I have Ramiro coming over Wed. for things sold to gflat. Larson is coming over 2morrow. Anymore? Just let me know late morning if you decide to come by. Thanks alot guys.

I did forget to post that I have an Emerald Green Crab:$2.00

Two 24" 75W VHO White Actinic Bulbs: $30.00
New in Box

CPR100 Overflow: $50.00
Cabbage Leather
Large Devil's Hand Leather
Brown and Green Mushrroms-under actinic's they have green highlights
3 Large Frilly Mushrooms

This is all that's left. Everything else has been spoken for.
Live rock is sold to Aharvey. Once live rock is gone then equipment. This should take place within the next day or two.
Here's what is left on live stock.

Cabbage leather
Large Devil's Hand
Brown and Green Mushrooms
a few zoos