Selling Everything

OK..I'm down to the live rock. Aharvey has spoke for it. The tank, sump, 2 light fixtures, Iwaki pump, Aqua Controller Jr., Madussa 3 Stage Controller, 3 power heads, overflow, and 2 buckets of Seachem Reef salt are all whats left to go.
All the live rock is being picked up 2nite. I still have all the other equipment that is stated in the last post.
hey this is teena, i just got back from FL wished i would of known you were selling, im to late, do you still have the devils hand? oh & sorry about my son, he was in here when i was reading that post, hes 14 & my brother inlaw works @ davenport he takes him on some calls, when a truck turns over he makes money reloading what ever he was hauling, davenport mostly pulls out 18 wheelers theres $$$ to be had my brother inlaw doesnt bring home lee than $700 a week most of the time its over $1000, they just had a guy move so i no they may need someone
Here's what is left:
40 gallon tall tank w/stand and canopy-$150.00
Iwaki 20 rxlt external pump (japanese version and extremely quiet)-$100.00
Sump w/Fuge area-$80.00
2 buckets of Seachem Reef Salt- one unused:$30.00 and one barely used: $25.00
CPR 100 Overflow barely used-$40.00
Hey Teena. I appreciate the info. on Davenport. I may not be getting back into a truck due to some recent events. I had to go to the emergency room last night and was told that I have Pancreatitis. No more greasy truck stop food or fast food. As for the Devils Hand, it's already gone. It and the rest of the live stock went with the live rock. Sorry. If you really want one, I believe Kermit's Reef has one or something similar to it.
I still have 40 gallon tall tank w/stand and canopy-$125
Iwaki 20rxlt external pump (540gph at 4ft. head)-$90
Sump built by Barrett(dimensions on first post)-$70
hey man, long time no talk. i hate to hear youre leaving the hobby! i moved to nashville myself, you may or may not remember when you called on my 75 gal. and stuff for sale. would you like to work out a deal on the overflow, sump, and return pump as a combo deal? ill be in memphis on the 26th and we might be able to work something out then. let me know! thanks<~~~steve
p.s- im posting this here as youre pm box is full, feel free to pm me back and we can discuss it more in detail if youre interested. thanks!
welcome back turbo. i see you got the itch again. 92 gallon sps tank. would like to see a pic when it's getting done or finished.
done or finished and sps dont go well together :) im taking it slow this time and really choosing stuff carefully. now i just have to figure out the whole wrasse/meat eater/polluter/low nutrient sps tank thing and ill be set :)
tank,stand,and canopy has not been spoken for. If turboex(Steve) falls through, there will be the return pump, sump, and overflow left.
milkshake, all was a go but now i wont be able to make it down on the 26th. im pretty bummed b/c im needing a sump bad. if someone shows interest go on and sell it. i wont ask you to hold it forever, thanks for the reply though! <~~steve