September Photo Contest... Tangs!


New member
The subject for the September Reef Central Photography contest is Tangs: post your best/favorite tang photo!
One photo per person, photos not to exceed 900 pixels in width or 150k file size. Images should be in a horizontal format to best fit the calendar layout. Questions and answers about the contest can be found and asked in this thread. Good luck everyone :D
My zebrasoma gemmatum

Here's a Pic of my Yellow Tang. He's been with us from the start. He's a bit of a Ham for the camera..

I have four tangs, I know I am bad but they all seem to be happy. I can't pick the one that is my favorite every time I think this one is the next catches my eye but here is the pic I chose.

my contribution...

not the best picture, but my favorite tang:
Ctenochaetus Hawaiiensis, from a friend's tank (but my pic)


my very best,