Serious problem


Woke up this morning an everything in my tank was wiped out, clown fish, green chromis, yellow chromis, an hermit crabs. Took my water to get tested and everything was perfect!! My only other guess could be some type of parasite that could have caused this. Ive also heard about stray voltage, i have a 5 gallon. Anyone know around what voltage is approate to have? Im running a mini heater an a small pump for extra flow, the tank is a marineland hex5 which runs a internal filter. Need to know what to do in order to start my tank back up again with out any probs. thanks
Oh ok, ive read that certain things such as heaters and power heads may give off a little voltage which is normal but i guess that info was wrong.
That's a huge bioload for a 5 gallon. How long has it been set up? What and when was the last fish added. Lots of possibilities here.
Tank has been set up for about a year an the last fish that was added was the yellow chromis which was about 2 months ago. Nothing new added to the tank
Oh ok, ive read that certain things such as heaters and power heads may give off a little voltage which is normal but i guess that info was wrong.

No I think you are misunderstanding .....its normal for one of these to have problems but you should have a grounding probe in the tank somewhere to prevent them from having a profound effect if they do have an is not normal for stray electricity to be in the tank just normal that some of these things you stated can have need to check the tank and see if there is and then go item by item and single out the issue and remove or replace it...0 is normal

tangs will develop HLL and death can occur if left untreated and some corals will not be happy .....lots of problems can occur

An where/how can i do this grounding probe?

I am sure some local pet stores would have one. I would call around, but here is a link to Marine Depot.

I also might have one you can have for 5.00 if you are interested. I would have to look first.
This is the one I would have.

Also, like ravedood said check your heater and make sure the water is at the temp as the heater shows. There also might be a tiny crack in it, but that is all that is needed to kill everything. Even if the heater is working correct you should still get a probe.
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I don't get the grounding probe, help me out here. Once voltage is grounded it is going to produce current through the tank to ground. No grounding probe and electricity has no where to go, or at least until you stick your hand in and ground out. I think the grounding rod is so we don't get shocked.

No heater? what ?you don't run the a/c in your house, or do you keep it at a comfortable 79 degrees
Guys, we're talking fish, not corals. Unless the heater literally poached his fish, I doubt it was that, and if it was stuck on he would no as soon as touching the water. 3 fish, 5 gallons questionable filtration, my money is on that or the introduction of a parasite or some kind of chemical. FWIW, my nano used to fluctuate wildly with temp, and my corals and fish did fine.
Yeah i guess if there was any stary voltage i would have felt something while putting my hand in the water even if it was a little correct? Filtration is changed out on a reg basis so my only logical guess right now is that it was a parasite.
Sounds to me that it was something else. Probably some contaminant got in the water. My friend recently cleaned his sock with bleach in the washer which is fine except he left it in there and wife cleaned with detergent afterwards and took it out. He did not know and a day after he placed the clean sock in the tank all seven of his fish were dead. Just saying maybe some chemical from the sock or from your hands got into the water column.
Sounds to me that it was something else. Probably some contaminant got in the water. My friend recently cleaned his sock with bleach in the washer which is fine except he left it in there and wife cleaned with detergent afterwards and took it out. He did not know and a day after he placed the clean sock in the tank all seven of his fish were dead. Just saying maybe some chemical from the sock or from your hands got into the water column.

I started a 12 gal nano about a year ago. I used to chase the numbers and finally gave up. Now I just let it be and just do regular water changes. I have softies, GSP, and Monti plate that grow in it. Also have tons of snails, a few crabs and an anemone. The tank is thriving despite the massive fluctuations. For everything to die overnight something foreign and poisonous must have entered your system.
I don't get the grounding probe, help me out here. Once voltage is grounded it is going to produce current through the tank to ground. No grounding probe and electricity has no where to go, or at least until you stick your hand in and ground out. I think the grounding rod is so we don't get shocked.

No heater? what ?you don't run the a/c in your house, or do you keep it at a comfortable 79 degrees

I have also read that grounding probes can do more harm then good.

Like it has been said, my money is on a parasite or chemical