setting back up!


New member
Have finally found the time after our recent house move to set back up our tank . Keept it nice & simple as it was my first pop at marines. 55g, 60lbs of Araga-live SB, 80lbs Indian Ocean LR, Deltec mce 600 Skmmer. No sump etc. but may look into this later on down the line. All fish & some starter corals Shrooms, Zoos & leathers sold back to the LFS as we was'nt sure when we would be starting back up?! Was all up & running for about 9 months with no major problems.......

All LR has been sat in cool bags in the garage for about 8 weeks. SB still currently sat within the tank. My thinking is - replace all sand with new probably Araga-live again & maybe add some proper live sand or some from an established tank to seed quicker? Live Rock I was planning to sit and wash in large tubs conatining RO/DI, salt at 1.025 with heater. Would I need all that or can I just wash with plain RO/Di?

I plan to add 10-20kg of cured 'Fiji' LR to seed the old. Was thinking to run Carbon within the skimmer asap.

CAn any of you guys see any potential problems??? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Nice to be back in the game
