Setting up a Reef tank.


New member
I realize there are many ways to do this, and everyone has their own specific ways of doing things. But one thing i can not understand, is how to calculate what type of pump is needed. I am installing a pump on a standard 75 gallon fish tank. (The type you buy at Petco). My sump is this one from Aqueon- (model 2).
Also is there a website that recommends what is needed when setting up a 75 gallon tank. Such as sand, rock, pump, power heads, skimmer, etc.?
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.

Personally, I think a 75-150 gph pump would be fine for the sump. People have a wide range of opinions, though. I'd get more pumps to provide flow for the tank itself.
Thank you Bertoni. Is there some type of website that will calculate everything you need in order to set up a 75 gallon tank?
There are "Stickys" to threads designed specifically to help with set up. You can also try the search feature to find threads about every topic related to reefing.

Here are my suggestions:

CaribSea Special Grade reef sand
Live rock over base dry limestone so you don't get phosphate leaching for 6-10 months
Pumps are dependent on what head pressure you need and how far the pump has to push the water (take into account elbows as well). Consider a DC pump so that you can increase/decrease the speed should you need to.
Wavemakers over power heads (ability to randomize flow vs steady constant)
Skimmer rated for 90-120g (Bubble Magus Curve 5 is what I have on my 90g)

Best of luck.