Setup help 2 6095 and 7096


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I have a 60x26x28. I have the pumps mounted on sides with the pulse set on controller. My ? Is should the pumps be directly across from each other and if yes high on sides or low, middle? Also what should the pulse lengths be? I have power at 30, 100. My set up now is one low one high. It seems to be doing wave at bottom but not much on top, which is fine with me. Less salt creep I have to deal with.

To create a true wave, you need a controller with wavemode, i.e. off and on every .30-2.00 seconds and you have to find the frequency which makes an actual wave where the surface moves like a see saw. In pulse mode, you cannot really make a wave and it would be better to not have the pumps aimed directly at each other, the best would be a corner to corner movement with one on high one on low (x pattern) or one in the back left and one in the front right creating a circular flow pattern. Ideally the pumps are about 1/4-1/3rd the tank height below the surface and aimed just slightly upwards.
This is largely a trial and error process and a lot has to do with coral and rock placement, but a generic starting point would be as follows.

One pump in each back corner 8" from the top, aimed to hit the front 4ft away, a very slight upward angle will help surface agitation.

Use Interval mode with Idle if you have a Windows PC (requires current download on, this feature is not yet on the Mac version. Set the pulse for each pump at 3 sec and 100-30, one pump in port 1, one in port 3. Use a 6hr interval, this will roughly simulate the wash of waves and the tidal change in flow direction.