Sexy/Anemone Shrimp bad for soft corals?


New member
I've been watching my anemone shrimp harassing my new corals- I have new zoanthoid and Green Star Polyp. He kept hovering over them and just now, I saw him plucked a tentacle off green star polyp and ate it!

Is this normal behavior or not? Should I isolate the shrimp in other tank to avoid losing any corals?

If anyone have experienced this before, let me know soon, thanks!
thats kind of odd
do you feed it?
if you dont try feeding it some flakes and he will stop picking at your corals
i haven't seen mine pluck and eat any polyps from my corals.
the only problem i have with them is they keep moving around from coral to coral and make them stay closed up a lot of the time...

i think when i redo the tank they're coming out...

they're really neat but a little bit of a nuisance... :)
I moved the shrimp to 2.5 gal prison for criminally insane inverts. He won't stop even though he had enough flake to eat...

I'm in process of setting up live rock culturing tank- not curing, I'll place him in the tank when finished.

As of now, all my corals are thriving and much happier off without that insane shrimp.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7663129#post7663129 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by elliotklinger
As of now, all my corals are thriving and much happier off without that insane shrimp.

i understand completely... :)

i'm sure my corals will be happier when the shrimp are gone too...