Shallow Reef 36"x24"x16" - SPS Dominant Reef

Dumb question here, but are you possibly confusing vermetid snails with spaghetti worms?

No. Those are pests but in this particular case I am talking about Spaghetti worms. Usually they are found in the sand bed but since I don't have sand, they are in the crevices of the live rock extending their tentacles everywhere for food. It may just be a barebottom tank owner issue.
No. Those are pests but in this particular case I am talking about Spaghetti worms. Usually they are found in the sand bed but since I don't have sand, they are in the crevices of the live rock extending their tentacles everywhere for food. It may just be a barebottom tank owner issue.

Ahhh, okay. Thank you for clarifying.
I think I just stumbled upon something big.........I think I found out how to manipulate the colors in corals and get immediate results. I'm not 100% sure how long it will last and what all colors I can make appear and will have to test it more to be certain. No it is not a dye. I can't say at this moment what I am doing to do what you see below. Below is an image of my WWC Oil Spill Chalice. If you have seen the chalice, you know that it doesn't have any green colorations in it.

An image I took of it recently:

An image after I just took after I "did what I did":

Note: This is not photo trickery. I have no problem lending out the RAW file.
Here is another coral:

When I first got this chalice not to long ago:

Just a few mins ago after "doing what I did":
That's definitely a very noticeable difference!! I'll be interested in reading about what you find on it and whether these changes are permanent or short term :) Please keep us in the loop
That's definitely a very noticeable difference!! I'll be interested in reading about what you find on it and whether these changes are permanent or short term :) Please keep us in the loop
It was temporary.

Sorcery! Burn him!
lol no sorcery here.

Update on the color change in the chalices:

The original coloration of the chalices returned. The area where the green coloration appeared died away and regrew back to the original color. I did not take pics due to this being an extremely busy week for me but I will do it once more and properly document it with images next week.
So as I was about force a color change again like before, I noticed the regrowth of the chalices. I even attempted the same on an acan echinata but didn't notice the effect till just now. You can clearly see where the corals regrew and the tye dye'ish regrowth area.





Spill the beans

I decided to not tell what exactly I am doing/using out of fear that it will be greatly abused by reefers who care little for this hobby and only about profit. I can see this being abused greatly even though the effects are temporary. I am purely doing it for the discovery and want to share it, through images, to others who also seek undiscovered possibilities in this hobby. I will continue to experiment and post photos. Hopefully, one day, I can get the effect to be permanent through more experimentation but as of the current state of the hobby, I can't say what I am doing/using to force a color change.

Great looking tank!
How are the RGs doing? Any aggression? Still planning to add more?

They are doing great. All still alive and eating well. No full on bullying aggression as of yet. I may not add more due to the fact it is starting to impact the nutrient levels in my system. I may add add another species of fish in the future but as of now, I will keep it where it is.

- I am pretty much at the point where I have lost the 3 P's for this hobby: Purpose, Patience, and Passion. I think I am about to close this hobby and move on to something new. I will let the tank sit for a week or two and fully decide from there to just sell off my live stock and hold the equipment and maybe years from now I will re-enter or just clean house.

- Since I may exit the hobby, I contribute something that will help lead others to discover or it may just attribute to downfall of it like it is headed now by greed. What I used to force the color change was a tested ratios of trace elements in small quantities mixed with a food paste. Each were individually placed into separate containers and feed to corals in a 3 min interval. A color change did occur but I think due to the volume of trace elements added, it was too much and caused the tissue of the coral to burn and regrow. If the dosage of trace to the food is decreased to the correct ratio, there is a good chance it will not have the tissue dying effect and keep the color change temporarily. I did, however, notice that the regeneration of the tissue was significantly faster in comparison to other corals or the same coral healing from damage either by other corals or through accidental damage by me. The regrowth of the tissue appeared to blend the original colors of the coral giving it a tye-dye or melted like appearance.

Thanks everyone for following my build. Who knows, I may regain the 3 P's but as of right now....I am bored with this hobby; I've ran out of patience.
Time for an upgrade! I can tell that your passion is in the build! [emoji12] but seriously I've had to step back before and actually enjoy the ride. I say keep up the good work [emoji779]
Time for an upgrade! I can tell that your passion is in the build! [emoji12] but seriously I've had to step back before and actually enjoy the ride. I say keep up the good work [emoji779]

TBH, I don't want to devote anymore funds into this hobby. I rarely now go in my tank room.