shane's 75 gallon reef: lots of pics

shane 1111

Premium Member
this tank has ben up for about one year.
75g AGA
current USA dual satellite 4 x 65w pc's
seaClone 150 protein skimmer
Bak-Pak protein skimmer:i put a maxi-Jet 1200 on it. works much better.
Emperor 400: for carbon and other chemical filter media.
it only has one power head for now: it is called a pro 4

live stock consist of......
1. golden dwarf moray (G. melatremus)
3. PJ cardinals
1. blue green chromis
1. royal gramma
1. yellow tang
1. black saddle clown (Amphiprion polymnus)
1. longfin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis)
1. Orange Spotted Goby (Amblyeleotris guttata)

1. Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)
1. Electric Orange Hermit (Calcinus sp.)
1. Electric Blue Hermit Crab (Calcinus elegans)
some Blue Leg Hermit Crab i dont know how many i have. but it is over 20
1. Tongan Fighting Conch (Strombus gibberulus)
I will post pics later today

more pics of the eel. i think i am going to name him jaws. is that a good name for him?
this is him looking for food


Re: shane's 75 gallon reef: lots of pics

Why do you have 2 skimmer's?

Very nice tank !

shane 1111 said:
this tank has ben up for about one year.
75g AGA
current USA dual satellite 4 x 65w pc's
seaClone 150 protein skimmer
Bak-Pak protein skimmer:i put a maxi-Jet 1200 on it. works much better.
Emperor 400: for carbon and other chemical filter media.
it only has one power head for now: it is called a pro 4

live stock consist of......
1. golden dwarf moray (G. melatremus)
3. PJ cardinals
1. blue green chromis
1. royal gramma
1. yellow tang
1. black saddle clown (Amphiprion polymnus)
1. longfin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis)
1. Orange Spotted Goby (Amblyeleotris guttata)

1. Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)
1. Electric Orange Hermit (Calcinus sp.)
1. Electric Blue Hermit Crab (Calcinus elegans)
some Blue Leg Hermit Crab i dont know how many i have. but it is over 20
1. Tongan Fighting Conch (Strombus gibberulus)
I will post pics later today
Very Nice!! Have you ever had any problems with the moray and the crabs or shrimps? I am thinking about putting one in my 92 corner when it becomes set up.
the eels size makes him less of a threat. he has not eaten my cleaner. but I have no crabs
2 skimmers are better than one. one takes out black thick skim mate and the other takes a tea color skim
there is a PVC tube that go's half way across the tank under the sand with three entrances. it is 1" in diameter.
the eel loves it